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Metro Nakshatra



By Metro Group

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Ready Possession Homes
Luxury Homes


Postal Colony, Chembur

Possession date

May 2022

Project size

38 Units


Metro Group


2, 4 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for Metro Nakshatra


715 ft 2
₹2.45 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


1289 ft 2
₹4.50 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms

About Metro Nakshatra

In the heart of Chembur, Metro Group's Nakshatra stands as a residential haven par excellence. With state-of-the-art amenities and top-notch construction quality, this 11-storey structure rewards you with luxury, aesthetics, comfort, and convenience. With super-spacious residences that surpass your expectations and deliver something that takes a step beyond comfort and luxury, Metro Group's Nakshatra makes its mark as the prime residential destination in Chembur.

Project Highlights for Metro Nakshatra

Aren't these the perfect ingredients of a shimmering lifestyle?

It takes more than just the dazzle to design a gem that reflects the radiance of a masterpiece.A reason why Nakshatra is the sinful combination of luxury,aesthetic,comforts and convenience that is painstakingly weaved to create a jewel that bestows a shimmering lifestyle.

A crest that is perched at the top of panache

Be it quiet evening with your beloved or a hot conversation with friends,the sky cafe and lounge at Nakshtra with its breathtaking panoramic view of the city is just the perfect place for any rendezvous,it also allows you to stay on track with your health and fitness goals with an open air gymnasium on terrace level.

Strategically constructed

The Apartments Nakshatra are strategically constructed keeping in mind the best of architecture both from inside as well as outside.


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property for sale by Region

Ready Possession Homes
Luxury Homes


Postal Colony, Chembur

Possession date

May 2022

Project size

38 Units


Metro Group


2, 4 BHK

Request Details