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Horizon Atulya



By Horizon Promoters

Horizon Atulya - cover
Horizon Atulya - coverHorizon Atulya - cover


, Mulund

Possession date

June 2026

Project size

30 Units


Horizon Promoters


2, 3 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for Horizon Atulya


698.53 ft 2
₹2.17 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


950.43 ft 2
₹2.93 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms

About Horizon Atulya

Atulya – Comes from the Sanskrit word which means Immeasurable. Unequalled. Incomparable. Bringing a new abode that stands out on the Horizon of Mulund's evolution of premium residential development – Horizon Atulya. An imposing 17-storey residential tower located at Mulund (W), featuring retail avenues on the ground level and plush 2 & 3 BHK apartments that spell luxury, comfort and holistic living experience. The presence of basic necessities in and around the area like Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Markets, Railway Station and much more makes Horizon Atulya one of the most sought-after destinations for living in Mulund.

Project Highlights for Horizon Atulya

The Unrivalled Arrival

Meticulous planning is visible the moment you drive in. A smooth 2-way ramp takes you through 4 levels of podium parking with round-the-clock security of your vehicle.

The Unreal Entrance

An opulent grand entrance lobby ushers you into a world of incredible feat and finest ambiance. An archway, that open to a warm welcome for the residents making their daily comeback and visitors making a guest appearance at the waiting lounge.

Discover an exclusive life at a futuristic destination

You are the chosen one, because you belong to a home, called Horizon Atulya. Welcome to a heaven, where life is all about celebrating moments. Welcome to Horizon Atulya.

The pleasure of invisible care

Quality is an important aspect in Horizon Atulya. A healthy mind only dwells in a healthy body just a healthy family only dwells in a healthily strong home. Everything that went into making an Horizon Atulya home was the best of its kind.

Spend your family time together

Privacy and family living go hand-in-hand with large spacious homes that gives every member their own space while also making sure you can all spend time together.

When your loved ones are by your side, every moment is special

Come home to the warmth and comfort of your abode. Spend some time with your kids or curl-up indoors and watch your favourite movie together. It’s time to make every moment count and create felicitous memories that last permanently.


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, Mulund

Possession date

June 2026

Project size

30 Units


Horizon Promoters


2, 3 BHK

Request Details