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JP Infra Hotcake Imperia

Mira Road


By JP Infra

JP Infra Hotcake Imperia - cover
JP Infra Hotcake Imperia - coverJP Infra Hotcake Imperia - cover


Kashimira, Mira Road

Possession date

December 2025

Project size

227 Units


JP Infra



Request Details

Configurations for JP Infra Hotcake Imperia


296 ft 2
₹78.00 L
1 living room, kitchen, 1 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms

About JP Infra Hotcake Imperia

Hotcake Imperiathe most awaited launch in Mira Road is a reflection of a grand vision. Founded on the High-life @ Low-price philosophy, the project offers a lifestyle unseen and unmatched. The majestic 23-storey twin-towers of Hotcake Imperia exude an aura of opulence. Comprising of 1 & 2 BHK premium residences, the project promises a fine living experience. It's a fine blend of grand architecture, superior amenities and brilliant infrastructure - all of which make it a truly hot property in every sense of the word.

Project Highlights for JP Infra Hotcake Imperia

Hot location

Here, there is space for everything. Placed at the intersection of east and west highways of Mumbai, Mira Road enjoys superb connectivity via Ghodbunder Road and Western Express Highway at different ends. Rich with infrastructure, transport and social hubs, this extended western suburb has everything you need for a contented living.

Hot investment in Mira Road

What's fertile today, is bound to flourish tomorrow. Today Mira Road is one of the few places in Mumbai where opportunities and developments are in full swing. There's little to sow and ample to reap in the years to come.

Hot spaces

The majestic 23-storey twin-towers of CODENAME 'HOT CAKE' exude an aura of opulence. Comprising of 1 & 2 BHK premium residences, the project promises a fine living experience. Spacious, airy and well-ventilated interiors, thoughtful design and exceptional finish are the hallmarks of this grand gated residential complex. The verdant landscapes, splendid views, and acres of open spaces make it a perfect choice for a life you've always dreamt of.

Hot amenities

Great amenities are what make a great home, and at CODENAME 'HOT CAKE' the plethora of exciting modern amenities is the icing on the cake. There's something for everyone, and that makes every day so much fun.

Hot security

Every apartment is fitted with 'Key-less Doors for Key-less Entry' - so getting in and getting out becomes extremely convenient while adding a touch of class to the process. A first-in-class offering procured from a leading home automation brand to ensure the highest level of security, through state-of-the-art technology.


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Kashimira, Mira Road

Possession date

December 2025

Project size

227 Units


JP Infra



Request Details