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Mirchandani Triton



By Mirchandani Group

Mirchandani Triton - cover
Mirchandani Triton - coverMirchandani Triton - cover


Vithaldas Nagar, Santacruz

Possession date

April 2024

Project size

31 Units


Mirchandani Group


3, 5 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for Mirchandani Triton


1266.55 ft 2
₹9.44 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms


1377.38 ft 2
₹10.26 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms


2391.19 ft 2
₹17.82 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms

About Mirchandani Triton

A building dedicated to showcasing a lifestyle focused on community building and pure opulence, inspired by the greek god of the sea Triton himself, who lived in the depths of the ocean in a golden palace with his parents.. Located at the edge of Khar (West), one of the most affluent neighborhoods in Mumbai, Triton offers you a serene paradise embedded within a concrete jungle. Filled to the brim with all the conveniences and amenities one would desire, Triton hopes to see you and your family thrive in it's community centred way of life.

Project Highlights for Mirchandani Triton

A vibrant neighbourhood for people of all kinds

Mirchandani Triton presents the best aspects of city life close to nature, and at a pace set by those notable residents living here. The development is a unique blend of attributes beyond concrete and steel that ensures a vibrant community will thrive here.

Strategically constructed

These residential apartments in Mirchandani Triton are beautifully planned to keep in mind the architecture which can soothe your senses whenever you step into your house after a tiring day from work.

Discover an exclusive life at a futuristic destination

You are the chosen one, because you belong to a home, called Mirchandani Triton. Welcome to a heaven, where life is all about celebrating moments. Welcome to Mirchandani Triton.

Spend your family time together

Privacy and family living go hand-in-hand with large spacious homes that gives every member their own space while also making sure you can all spend time together.


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Vithaldas Nagar, Santacruz

Possession date

April 2024

Project size

31 Units


Mirchandani Group


3, 5 BHK

Request Details