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Samyakth Bliss



By Samyakth

Samyakth Bliss - cover
Samyakth Bliss - coverSamyakth Bliss - cover
Luxury Homes
Ready Possession Homes


Govind Dham, Khar

Possession date

June 2017

Project size

15 Units




2, 3 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for Samyakth Bliss


697.71 ft 2
₹3.99 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


922.34 ft 2
₹5.30 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms

About Samyakth Bliss

A luxurious residential project amidst the pleasing environment of Khar, this imposing 13-storey apartment is a peaceful oasis that exudes opulence and class. From the grand entrance lobby with its finely crafted Italian marble ambiance, to the lavish interiors of the spacious 3 and 4 bedroom apartments, Samyakht Bliss offers a quality of life that you can never imagine. Large living spaces, exquisite finishing, modern amenities and a host of other conveniences and comforts. All chosen with utmost care and with one single objective - to give you a larger-than-life experience. Add in the lush green surroundings, the uniqueness of the location, and Samyakht Bliss now emerges as the residence of your dreams. Samyakht Bliss offers an ambiance that is at once lavish and elegant; the perfect blend of modernity and style! It speaks of luxury amidst nature, of comfort amidst calm. A long term vision incorporates an earthquake resistant structure and rainwater harvesting. The entrance lobby, crafted in exquisite Italian marble, beckons invitingly. A fitting introduction to the magnificence of your home. Where the latest technologies are integrated with the most exquisite materials and fittings, to conjure up a magical living space. Just the right match for a modern, professional lifestyle like yours. MahaRERA Registration Numbers: Tower A : P51800013227 (Possession Date : 30-Jun-17) Tower B : P51800008134 (Possession Date : 30-Jun-23)

Project Highlights for Samyakth Bliss

In the lap of luxury

Samyakth offers an ambiance that is at once lavish and elegant; the perfect blend of modernity and style! It speaks of luxury amidst nature, of comfort amidst calm. A long term vision incorporates an earthquake resistant structure and rainwater harvesting. The entrance lobby, crafted in exquisite Italian marble, beckons invitingly. A fitting introduction to the magnificence of your home, where the latest technology are integrated with the most exquisite materials and fittings, to conjure up a magical living space. Just the right match for a moden, professional lifestyle like yours.

Prime location

A well-established name in the real estate business, Samyakth, in a short span of time has created signature projects across localities of Bandra, Khar, Vile Parle, Andheri etc. that stands as a testimony to the opulence, eye for detail and taste that have come to be trademark of the name. Samyakth does not merely create buildings, it creates value through its deep grasp of location dynamics, its understanding of the potential of a site, and its skill in conjuring up exclusive designs. Every project is based on the principle of Vaastu and engineering excellence. And as a result, we're the preferred destination for home buyers and investors alike.


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Luxury Homes
Ready Possession Homes


Govind Dham, Khar

Possession date

June 2017

Project size

15 Units




2, 3 BHK

Request Details