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V Satav Mayuri Sunrise



By V Satav Developers

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Ready Possession Homes


Nagar Road, Wagholi

Possession date

December 2021

Project size

1 Acres, 194 Units


V Satav Developers


1, 2 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for V Satav Mayuri Sunrise


423 ft 2
₹38.30 L
1 living room, kitchen, 1 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms


394 ft 2
₹35.00 L
1 living room, kitchen, 1 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms


561 ft 2
₹45.74 L
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


506 ft 2
₹45.00 L
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

About V Satav Mayuri Sunrise

Mayuri Sunrise is a unique opportunity to live in one of the most desirable, secure and well-connected private estates in Pune. These 1 & 2 BHK apartments are creating a diverse neighborhood for living, working and relaxing. The project combines the finest architecture, upscale features and a space with some of the best shopping, events, restaurants and leisure facilities in the vicinity. Mayuri Sunrise is a smart choice and I myself have booked an apartment in the project. Let's step in to the modern lifestyle. Let's be Neighbors!

Project Highlights for V Satav Mayuri Sunrise

An outstanding architectural merit

he unique design of this building will ensure that it becomes a landmark in its own right; the visually striking exterior complemented by incomparable views from within. The apartments are arranged across the 12 storey elements of the building providing 1 & 2 BHK spacious homes culminating in spectacular living in Wagholi.

Timeless beauty,a triumph of a modern design

The rare character and setting of these apartments is enhanced by sophisticated interiors, designed to leave a lasting impression. The spaces have been carefully considered to make the most of the open aspect, natural light and superb views. The rich mix of materials and textures complement and harmonise with the architectural concept and link to the natural design of the surrounding area.

A sumptuous retreat to you

An overwhelming sense of luxury flows through the living spaces at Mayuri Sunrise. Designed to the highest standards, stylish and sophisticated, the home is a stun-ning space designed to cater for everything from small, intimate gatherings to large-scale entertaining with ease and flair. The generous space, rich textures and flush of natural daylight create a luxurious and restful environment in which to relax and enjoy a personal view of Pune.

A perfect location for a soulful living

Mayuri Sunrise is thoughtfully located at Wagholi which is known to be one of the fastest developing localities in Pune. This grand project offers unmatched connectivity with multiple lifestyle destinations,educational institutions as well as some of the developing business hubs across Pune. Perfectly located with an intelligent foresight. the surroundings of Mayuri Sunrise provide excellent greenery and natural beauty to complement the urban space.


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Ready Possession Homes


Nagar Road, Wagholi

Possession date

December 2021

Project size

1 Acres, 194 Units


V Satav Developers


1, 2 BHK

Request Details