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ANP Ultimus



By ANP Group

ANP Ultimus - cover
ANP Ultimus - coverANP Ultimus - cover


Bhujbal Vasti, Wakad

Possession date

June 2027

Project size

4 Acres, 635 Units


ANP Group


2, 3, 4 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for ANP Ultimus


746 ft 2
₹1.05 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

2.5 BHK

859 ft 2
₹1.22 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


1046 ft 2
₹1.48 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms

3.5 BHK

1116 ft 2
₹1.60 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms

About ANP Ultimus

Although it is still under construction, it promises to provide modern conveniences & well-thought-out living areas. ANPU Ultimus is The most recent perfect exclusive home developed by the well-known ANP Group. ANP Ultimus is a well-planned, under-construction housing society in Wakad, Pune. It offers a range of flats for sale, with options to choose from 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK homes in Pune. The housing society is poised to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of individuals and families looking for flats in Pune. For those seeking compact yet comfortable living spaces, the 1 BHK homes in ANP Ultimus present an ideal option. These units are designed to maximize space use while providing a cozy and inviting atmosphere. 2 BHK homes in Pune ANP Ultimus cater to families or individuals desiring a bit more space and functionality. These homes include a living area, bedrooms, a kitchen, and extra amenities like balconies. Families with larger space requirements or those who appreciate the luxury of extra rooms can explore the 3 BHK homes in Pune ANP Ultimus.

Project Highlights for ANP Ultimus

Homes With Clever Designs

Spacious and airy apartments with well-designed spaces & lovely design. your superior lifestyle & also your superior expectations!

Spacious And Luxurious

Privacy and family living go hand-in-hand with large spacious homes that gives every member their own space while also making sure you can all spend time together.

A Better Quality of Life

Quality is an important aspect in The Pleasure Of Invisible Care A healthy mind only dwells in a healthy body just a healthy family only dwells in a healthily strong home. Everything that went into making a The Pleasure Of Invisible Care home was the best of its k

Innovative Architecture

Design Oriented Architecture is an example of design-oriented architecture. Where design not only becomes a part of everyday living but also enriches it. That is why every elevation, bend, shape, innovation, each and every square foot has come together in perfect harmony.


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Bhujbal Vasti, Wakad

Possession date

June 2027

Project size

4 Acres, 635 Units


ANP Group


2, 3, 4 BHK

Request Details
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ANP Ultimus
ANP Ultimus cover
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