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Hiranandani Belicia

Thane West


By Hiranandani

Hiranandani Belicia - cover
Hiranandani Belicia - coverHiranandani Belicia - cover


Panch Pakhadi, Thane West

Possession date

June 2028

Project size

1 Acres, 350 Units




2, 3, 5 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for Hiranandani Belicia


750.61 ft 2
₹2.25 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


754.5 ft 2
₹2.36 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


1138.19 ft 2
₹3.40 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms


1051.14 ft 2
₹3.10 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms

4.5 BHK

1506.29 ft 2
₹4.50 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms

About Hiranandani Belicia

Embellished with impressive splendour, House of Hiranandani sensation - Belicia is set to present Thane with its newest landmark at Panch Pakhadi. The tower adorns multiple amenities and offers splendid vistas of the city. It is like living your dream lifestyle in the truest sense. Panch Pakhadi in Thane's city centre offers a luxurious and convenient lifestyle, blending House of Hiranandani's commitment to palatial living with the accessibility of a prime location. Situated in one of Thane's oldest and most sought-after locales, it epitomizes Thane's timeless essence.

Project Highlights for Hiranandani Belicia

It’s time to leading a new life

Belicia along with its prime location earns supreme esteem to become one of the most prominent addresses you may want to live in. Not only just the architecture but the postcode leaves a lasting impression as well.

Strategically constructed

These residential apartments in Belicia are beautifully planned to keep in mind the architecture which can soothe your senses whenever you step into your house after a tiring day from work.

Discover an exclusive life at a futuristic destination

You are the chosen one, because you belong to a home, called Belicia. Welcome to a heaven, where life is all about celebrating moments. Welcome to Belicia.

Spend your family time together

Privacy and family living go hand-in-hand with large spacious homes that gives every member their own space while also making sure you can all spend time together.

A Prime Location Effortlessly Connected To The City Hubs

Located just around Nitin Company Junction, Belicia abounds in all the ease and conveniences one could ask for. With the right mix of robust local transport, prestigious schools, well-known hospitals, business centres, stores, malls, and popular restaurants within a few kilometres, it's a neighbourhood where everything you need is at your disposal.

Neoclassical Essence Centred Around You

Step into a realm of architectural excellence where neoclassical structures redefine expectations. Experience the seamless fusion of timeless aesthetics and avant-garde construction, a hallmark of the Hiranandani legacy.


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Panch Pakhadi, Thane West

Possession date

June 2028

Project size

1 Acres, 350 Units




2, 3, 5 BHK

Request Details