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Lodha Supremus



By Lodha Group

Lodha Supremus - cover
Lodha Supremus - coverLodha Supremus - cover


Chakala Industrial Area (MIDC), Andheri

Possession date

August 2022

Project size

1 Acres, 139 Units


Lodha Group



Request Details

Configurations for Lodha Supremus


805.92 ft 2
₹3.00 Cr
kitchen, 0 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms

About Lodha Supremus

Strategically located in heart of the bustling business district - Andheri, Lodha Supremus, is designed for businesses with world-class ambitions. Built on the backbone of five successful Lodha Supremus developments in the city that span across 15 lakh sq. ft., it offers world-class amenities and exceptional work spaces.

Project Highlights for Lodha Supremus

Design oriented architecture

Lodha Supremus is an example of design-oriented architecture. Where design not only becomes a part of everyday living but also enriches it. That is why every elevation, bend, shape, innovation, each and every square foot has come together in perfect harmony.

Perfection is second nature

Lodha Supremus perfects perfection. It is a shining example of what can be achieved when technology and talent meet. A rare amalgamation of cutting-edge engineering, state-of-the-art architecture and skilled craftsmanship, it gives you everything you need for life in the fast lane.

Designed With Great Attention To Detail

A Lodha Supremus office unit has the finesse of a Lodha offering - from its stunning exterior to its smallest details of the interiors.

A Smart Investment

There is an upward trend for Grade A offices in Andheri East - with a 7% - 8% average rental yield and great year-on-year capital appreciation.*

Supreme Location And Connectivity

For a business to make its mark, it is indispensable that it remains well-connected. Lodha Supremus Andheri commands an enviable position in a highly strategic location. Located exactly where a growing company should be, in the heart of Andheri.


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Chakala Industrial Area (MIDC), Andheri

Possession date

August 2022

Project size

1 Acres, 139 Units


Lodha Group



Request Details