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Safal Trademark



By Safal Group

Safal Trademark - cover
Safal Trademark - coverSafal Trademark - cover


Sindhi Society, Chembur

Possession date

March 2025

Project size

1 Acres, 92 Units


Safal Group


2, 3, 4 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for Safal Trademark


751.53 ft 2
₹3.00 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


750.35 ft 2
₹2.99 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


635.39 ft 2
₹2.55 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


749 ft 2
₹2.99 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


744 ft 2
₹2.97 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


696 ft 2
₹2.78 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


636 ft 2
₹2.55 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


1040.55 ft 2
₹4.20 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms


991.46 ft 2
₹4.01 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms


1048 ft 2
₹4.23 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms


1511.37 ft 2
₹6.03 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms

About Safal Trademark

Safal Trademark is one of the luxurious projects. In a booming, bustling metropolis like Chembur, where novelty has a short life span, prepare for something truly spectacular. Safal Trademark, located in upscale Chembur is a project that's as ambitious as it is exclusive. Where else can you expect to be treated to a 360-degree view of green in the heart of the city? Where else can you come home internationally benchmarked facilities and vibrant community culture? Safal Trademark is an opportunity to be a part of something iconic. Come, experience life the way you've known it ought to be lived. We wish to make your life a trademark, an identification of your own at Safal Trademark.

Project Highlights for Safal Trademark

Your cocoon in the heart of the city

Can you live in the heart of vibrant city and yet have your own cocooned lifestyle? Safal Trademark assures you that you can.Ensconced in Chembur - a place known for prosperity,creativity and striking architectural design. Safal Trademark allows you to explore the dynamic neighborhood at your own pace. Safal Trademark looks lush green areas where Air,light and water will be in abundant presence.

A welcome experience

The lobby sets the tone for a kind of luxury you can come to expect from the rest of your experience at Safal trademark. Tastefully designed with warm hues, smooth marble flooring and plush yet muted furnishings, the ambiance exudes a welcoming elegance. Ease into a friendly smile that greats you. At Safal Trademark you just don't enter, you make an entrance.

At Safal Trademark, the unforgettable moments is the essential

At Safal Trademark, the Terrace takes community living to a whole new level.Whatever your moment of joy, the terrace is where you'll find it.

Strategically constructed

The apartments in Safal Trademark are strategically constructed keeping in mind the best of architecture both from inside as well as outside.

Discover an exclusive life at a futuristic destination

You are the chosen one, because you belong to a home, called Safal Trademark Welcome to a heaven, where life is all about celebrating moments. Welcome to Safal Trademark.

Perfection is second nature

Safal Trademark perfects perfection. It is a shining example of what can be achieved when technology and talent meet. A rare amalgamation of cutting-edge engineering, state-of-the-art architecture and skilled craftsmanship, it gives you everything you need for life in the fast lane


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property for sale by Region


Sindhi Society, Chembur

Possession date

March 2025

Project size

1 Acres, 92 Units


Safal Group


2, 3, 4 BHK

Request Details