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Sai Aura Ville



By Sai Developers

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Ready Possession Homes


Windmill Village, Bavdhan

Possession date

September 2018

Project size

60 Units


Sai Developers


2, 3 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for Sai Aura Ville


682.21 ft 2
₹72.40 L
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


669.19 ft 2
₹70.40 L
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


969.61 ft 2
₹90.60 L
1 living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms

About Sai Aura Ville

Proudly presenting to you a breath of freshness - Aura Ville. Modern in lifestyle, sophisticated in structure and relaxing in the ambience, Aura Ville is the envied residential offering that is conveniently sited in the lap of Mother Nature of Bavdhan; yet strategically positioned for easy city access. Redefining luxury in natural habitat, Aura Ville houses 2 & 3 BHK FRESH apartments at a stone's throw distance from the foothills. Complete with contemporary housing amenities and facilities, your decision to reside in the serenity of nature, yet be easily city-connected, can never go wrong.

Project Highlights for Sai Aura Ville

Strategically constructed

The apartments in Aura Ville are strategically constructed keeping in mind the best of architecture both from inside as well as outside.

Live beyond expectations

Your home at Aura Ville will serve as a perfect get-away after a tiring day at work, as Aura Ville will make you forget that you are living in the heart of the city.

It’s time to enjoy, living a new life

Aura Ville, with its prime location is bound to earn supreme esteem and become one of the most prominent addressees you would want to live in at. Not only the architecture, but also the address leaves a lasting impression.


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Ready Possession Homes


Windmill Village, Bavdhan

Possession date

September 2018

Project size

60 Units


Sai Developers


2, 3 BHK

Request Details