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Sai Proviso Icon



By Proviso Group

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Roadpali, Panvel

Possession date

December 2024

Project size

1 Acres, 162 Units


Proviso Group


1, 2 BHK

Request Details

Configurations for Sai Proviso Icon


303 ft 2
₹68.00 L
1 living room, kitchen, 1 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


431.79 ft 2
₹95.00 L
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

About Sai Proviso Icon

Sai Proviso Icon is a residential and commercial project with two towers of G+19 at Roadpali, Navi Mumbai. At Sai Proviso Icon, 1 & 2 BHK spaces are designed to meet your expectations, with all modern amenities.

Project Highlights for Sai Proviso Icon

When your loved ones are by your side, every moment is special

Come home to the warmth and comfort of your abode. Spend some time with your kids or curl-up indoors and watch your favourite movie together. It’s time to make every moment count and create felicitous memories that last permanently.

It’s time to leading a new life

Sai Proviso Icon along with its prime location earns supreme esteem to become one of the most prominent addresses you may want to live in. Not only just the architecture but the postcode leaves a lasting impression as well.

Live beyond your predictions

Your Sai Proviso Icon apartment would serve as a perfect refuge after a tiring day, as Sai Proviso Icon will make you forget the woes of metro and that you are living in the heart of the city.

A vibrant neighbourhood for people of all kinds

Sai Proviso Icon presents the best aspects of city life close to nature, and at a pace set by those notable residents living here. The development is a unique blend of attributes beyond concrete and steel that ensures a vibrant community will thrive here.


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Roadpali, Panvel

Possession date

December 2024

Project size

1 Acres, 162 Units


Proviso Group


1, 2 BHK

Request Details