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Krisala 41 Elite



By Krisala Developers

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Ready Possession Homes


Rasikwadi, Punawale

Possession date

May 2023

Project size

3 Acres, 324 Units


Krisala Developers



Request Details

Configurations for Krisala 41 Elite


671 ft 2
₹58.58 L
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


718 ft 2
₹52.21 L
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

About Krisala 41 Elite

41 Elite as the name suggests is undoubtedly one of thebest projects in the heart of Tathawde with "A World Class,Club Lounge" inside and even more amazing part is that the ticket sizes wouldn't at all go hard on your pocket. Proximity to highway, Hinjawadi, schools, colleges, hospitals, malls and daily needed things at a stone throw distance are an icing over the cake.

Project Highlights for Krisala 41 Elite

The space he needs

A home that takes care of the father of the house. A home that makes his life easy. Ensuring he gets every bit of comfort he’s looking for. To add to the beauty of it, 41 elite gives you one more reason to rejoice the amenities.

The world is my playground

Designed with extreme engineering to ensure every child remains in safe haven. 41 elite brings you to one of its kind child-centric design to ensure safety of the toddlers. Thoughtfully made homes keeping the little ones in mind. The World is My Playground, No sharp edges that can hurt your child, Toughened glasses for better protection, UV rays protected glasses, Children’s play area.

The comfort zone the ceo of the house deserves

The lady of the house is the one who holds it together! Nurturing and taking care of the family is an endless process. A home that understands her needs and gives her something extra is a home to dwell in. 41 elite offers amenities that are made just for her that reduce her stressful schedule she has to keep up to keep it going.

A modern and a hassle-free home that caters to all your needs

Homes designed to suit your lifestyle. Covering every minute detail and giving you just what you were looking for. These family centric homes care for each and every member of the family.


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Ready Possession Homes


Rasikwadi, Punawale

Possession date

May 2023

Project size

3 Acres, 324 Units


Krisala Developers



Request Details