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Shapoorji Sensorium Phase II



By Shapoorji Pallonji

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Hinjawadi Phase I, Hinjawadi

Possession date

May 2025

Project size

126 Units


Shapoorji Pallonji



Request Details

Configurations for Shapoorji Sensorium Phase II


549 ft 2
₹1.03 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


642 ft 2
₹1.11 Cr
1 living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms

About Shapoorji Sensorium Phase II

Sensorium Phase II located near Phase I, Hinjawadi is a discreetly carved, unrivalled panorama of 10.5 acres(~42,400 Sq.m.). It is a consolidated creation of the dominant elements of nature to establish a habitat engulfed by the ecstasy of hills, widespread greenery, and the Mula River that ushers you to the surreal experiences of life.Shapoorji Pallonji Sensorium Phase II a new residential project at Hinjewadi, Pune, presenting beautifully crafted 2 & 3 BHK Apartments. The structural design is contemporary and the elevations bold and outstanding. These high rise towers stand on a site much higher than anything else in the neighborhood.

Project Highlights for Shapoorji Sensorium Phase II

Homes where thrills and thunder reigns

At Codename Sensorium Phase II, you will find not just unprecedented, ultra-modern 2 & 3 BHK residences, but also a lifestyle that's designed to give you unparalleled thrills and rapture in every corner, for endless moments of exuberance.

A loud celebration of your success

Apartments at Shapoorji Pallonji Sensorium Phase II are the residences that do not shout out loud of their existence but have a strong establishment that adds to their integrity. A loud celebration of your success in life! Joyville Sensorium Phase II that speaks a lot about your unique taste of lifestyle!

The quest for an unadulterated experience ends here

With major infrastructure developments nearing completion, Hinjawadi is all set to become even more well connected than before.An apartment in Shapoorji Pallonji Sensorium Phase II Pune Hinjewadi is an excellent opportunity in a fast-growing residential neighborhood for a great living. The location of this residential community translates into an advantageous investment in Pune’s most thriving location. With connectivity to key commercial developments, healthcare institutions, malls, schools & universities, Hinjawadi is fast transforming into Pune’s most sought-after destination.

Opportunity to be a part of exclusive world of luxury & elegance

An architectural marvel in Hinjawadi, Pune, its unique character is highlighted by the best master-planning. With large, secure, and boasting terraces presenting eye-catching views of the beautiful surroundings, these generous modern Shapoorji Pallonji Sensorium Phase II Pune have been designed absolutely.


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Hinjawadi Phase I, Hinjawadi

Possession date

May 2025

Project size

126 Units


Shapoorji Pallonji



Request Details