1 Killa = 0.40468564224 Hectares
To convert Killa to Hectare, you can apply a conversion factor of 0.40468564224, which represents the relationship between these two units of land measurement. This conversion factor is derived from the area equivalence between a Killa and a Hectare. A Killa is a traditional unit of land measurement used in parts of India, while a Hectare is a metric unit commonly used worldwide. When you multiply the number of Killa by the conversion factor, you obtain the equivalent area in Hectares. This conversion process is based on the fact that 1 Killa is equal to 0.40468564224 Hectares. Therefore, by multiplying the number of Killas by this conversion factor, you can seamlessly convert from one unit to the other without altering the actual numerical value.
Killa, also known as Bigha or Ghunta, is a unit of land measurement widely used in South Asia, particularly in countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The exact size of a Killa can vary significantly depending on the specific region and local conventions. Generally, a Killa represents a larger land area compared to smaller units like Square Feet or Square Meters, typically ranging from about 1/3 to 2 acres or more.The term "Killa" may have different meanings and sizes based on the country and even within different regions of the same country. For example, in some parts of India such as Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan, a Killa is often considered equivalent to approximately 1 acre of land. However, in other regions like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand, a Killa might encompass a larger area, typically around 1.5 to 2 acres.
What are the general uses of Killa?
It is frequently used to determine the size of agricultural land, including farms, plantations, and orchards.
Killa is used in real estate transactions to describe the size of land parcels or plots.
Builders and developers use Killa measurements to plan and develop residential and commercial projects.
Government authorities use Killa measurements for zoning regulations, land use planning, and determining property tax assessments.
Killa helps in defining the boundaries of land parcels, facilitating clear demarcation for legal and ownership purposes.
How to Measure Killa to Hectare?
1 Killa = 0.40468564224 Hectares
Example Killa to Hectare
If you have 5 Killas of land and want to convert this area to Hectares, you can use the conversion factor as follows:
Area in Hectares = 5Killas×0.40468564224
So, 5 Killas of land is equivalent to approximately 2.0234 Hectares.
A hectare (ha) is a unit of area measurement commonly used in agriculture, land management, and real estate. One hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters or approximately 2.471 acres. It is a metric unit and is widely used around the world, especially in countries that have adopted the metric system. The hectare is often used to measure land areas such as farms, fields, parks, and other large tracts of land. It provides a convenient way to express land area in a unit that is easily understood and widely recognized.
How to Measure Hectare to Killa?
1 Hectare = 2.47 Killa
Killa | Hectare |
1 Killa | 0.40468564224 Hectare |
2 Killa | 0.80937128448 Hectare |
3 Killa | 1.21 Hectare |
4 Killa | 1.62 Hectare |
5 Killa | 2.02 Hectare |
6 Killa | 2.43 Hectare |
7 Killa | 2.83 Hectare |
8 Killa | 3.24 Hectare |
9 Killa | 3.64 Hectare |
10 Killa | 4.05 Hectare |
100 Killa | 40.47 Hectare |
1000 Killa | 404.69 Hectare |
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