What is price of 2 BHK in Dhanvantari Colony?
The average price of 2 BHK in Dhanvantari Colony is Rs. 64.83 LACS at average rate of Rs. 8314.93 per sq.ft.
What is average price/rate per sq.ft for the projects in Dhanvantari Colony?
Which are nearby localities of Dhanvantari Colony?
Following are the localities nearby to Dhanvantari Colony:
- Dhanvantari Colony
- Balaji Nagar
- Sainath Nagar
What is pin code of Dhanvantari Colony?
Pin code of Dhanvantari Colony is 411014
How many projects are there in Dhanvantari Colony?
There are total 9 real estate projects available in Dhanvantari Colony
Which are top developers in Dhanvantari Colony?
Following are the top developers in Dhanvantari Colony:
- Percept Realty
- Pradnyaraj Properties
- Sakore Developers Llp
- Rohan Karan Infra
- Arunodaya Developers
Which area of Pune is Dhanvantari Colony part of?
Dhanvantari Colony is part of Wadgaon Sheri, Pune East, Pune