Dhekale is a small Village/hamlet in Palghar Taluka in Thane District of Maharashtra State, India. It comes under Dhekale Panchayath. It belongs to the Konkan region . It belongs to the Konkan Division . It is located 45 kms towards North from District head quarters Thane. 19 kms from Palghar. Marathi is the local language in Dhekale. There is no railway station near to Dhekale in less than 10 km. Palghar Railway Station (near to Palghar) , Umroli Railway Station (near to Palghar) are the Railway stations reachable from nearby towns. Though Dhekale is a small village, there are some beautiful, untouched attractions the locals love visiting after their work hours. One such is the Dhekale Dam, surrounded by greens, this is a place you would want to just sit and soak in the calm. The dam area has a viewpoint that is a favorite among the locals.