What is price of 2 BHK in Kannuru Road?
The average price of 2 BHK in Kannuru Road is Rs. 87.98 LACS at average rate of Rs. 12691.57 per sq.ft.
What is average price/rate per sq.ft for the projects in Kannuru Road?
The average price/rate per sq.ft for the projects in Kannuru Road is Rs. 13489
How many projects are there in Kannuru Road?
There are total 4 real estate projects available in Kannuru Road
Which are top developers in Kannuru Road?
Following are the top developers in Kannuru Road:
- Prestige Group
- Sobha Ltd
- DS Max Properties Pvt Ltd
- Kolte Patil Developers
Which area of Bengaluru is Kannuru Road part of?
Kannuru Road is part of Bellahalli, Bengaluru North Zone, Bengaluru