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Building Design Ideas Inspired by German Artist Staatliches Bauhaus
Building Design Ideas Inspired by German Artist Staatliches Bauhaus
The beautifully coordinated schemed-apartments of Marine Drive, or the palatial diplomatic buildings of Lutyen’s Delhi to the newest royal palace, The Umaid Bhavan of Jodhpur, all would not have seemed as aesthetic had Bauhaus not been a brainchild of Germany back in those days.

Bauhaus, a philosophy of architecture often seen comparable to the age of enlightenment of Christian Europe, was a revolutionary school of thought which challenged the very purpose and perception of modern architecture. Bauhaus is the reason why we cherish symmetry and simplicity in contemporary design in our living spaces. Light enchanting through tall expansive windows, pastel colours, optimum comfort, lesser detail for lower maintenance and openness of homes are few distinctive characteristics of Bauhaus inspired designs.

we want an architecture adapted to our world of machines, radios and fast cars.

Staatliches Bauhaus was a German art-school which had developed a unique style of amalgamating fine arts with a utilitarian view to building houses, the arts which were causing a momentum-shift during the Arts and Crafts Movement of the early 20th century. The first Bauhaus was opened in Weimar, followed by many other centres of economic and social importance. The man behind this ideology, Walter Gropius, famously proclaimed, "we want an architecture adapted to our world of machines, radios and fast cars." He indicated a sudden urge for change in the traditional expressionist approach in making houses, the one which incorporated elaborate articulation, details and a palatial hint.

But it was not until the end of WWII when this style actually got its top acceleration. The fall of the Nazis and the rebuilding of devastated Europe required a cost-efficient and optimum utilization of assets. Bauhaus architecture also made its mark on the newly established State of Israel, where the Jewish asylum-seekers preferred to have such decent looking housing for their generations to come. Today, the city of Tel Aviv has become a site of touristic interest, featured in the UN list of World Heritage because of its Bauhaus inspired avenues, symmetric promenades and aesthetic feel.

Bauhaus style of designing houses is proving to be an answer to many world problems. These houses are better in their compatibility with environmentally-friendly measures of construction, plus pose a solution to problems like a lack of affordable housing, busy urban-spaces and energy conservation. Indian realty has always been embracing Bauhaus, especially the areas of affluence like the southern parts of Mumbai and Delhi witness many landmarks built in sleek Bauhaus fashion.

The influence of Bauhaus movement started off early in the 20th century itself, the entire city of Chandigarh was designed by Le Corbusier, one of the pioneering French architect, who was also very close to Gropius. The beautifully coordinated schemed-apartments of Marine Drive, or the palatial diplomatic buildings of Lutyen's Delhi to the newest royal palace, The Umaid Bhavan of Jodhpur, all would not have seemed as aesthetic had Bauhaus not been a brainchild of Germany back in those days.

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