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How To Use A Vastu Compass: A Detailed Guide
How To Use A Vastu Compass: A Detailed Guide
Explore the importance of the Vastu compass in Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science. Learn about the two main types of Vastu compasses - pivotal and floating - and how they help align spaces with positive energies for harmony, prosperity and well-being. Discover practical tips for using a Vastu compass effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. What exactly is a Vastu Compass?
  2. Importance of the Vastu Compass in Vastu Shastra
  3. Types of Vastu Compass
  4. Advantages of a Vastu Compass
  5. Practical Tips to use a Smartphone as a Vastu Compass
  6. Best Vastu Apps available for download
  7. Faq's

In Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian architectural science, determining the precise directions of a property is crucial for aligning spaces with positive energies. One of the most commonly asked questions in this field is how to use a compass to establish a house's facing direction. This is a critical step, as even a slight variance of 3-4 degrees in the Vastu compass reading can significantly impact the calculation of the 16 Vastu zones, making it challenging to ensure Vastu compliance and identify potential issues.

Vastu Shastra views directions as energy centers, and the computation of the 16 Vastu zones is highly sensitive to directional variations. Incorrect compass readings can lead to inaccurate application of Vastu principles, making it difficult to create a harmonious living or working environment. Here is where the Vastu Compass comes in handy.

In this article, we will take a look at how the Vastu compass helps in finding accurate directions, the types of vastu compass available, directions of a vastu compass, and how to use your phone as a vastu compass.

What exactly is a Vastu Compass?

The Vastu compass, a crucial tool in Vastu Shastra, plays a significant role in determining the accurate directions essential for constructing and designing spaces according to Vastu principles. This instrument simplifies the process of identifying cardinal and ordinal directions, ensuring alignment with the Earth's magnetic field.

You must be wondering why we can not use a normal compass to determine vastu directions?

The Vastu compass differs from a normal compass in its specialised functionality tailored for Vastu Shastra applications. While a conventional compass primarily points to magnetic north, a Vastu compass is non-magnetic and specifically designed to determine precise cardinal directions like north, south, east, and west, crucial for Vastu compliance.

The Vastu compass includes markings for the main Vastu directions, such as northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, and the in-between directions, providing a comprehensive tool for aligning spaces according to Vastu principles. Additionally, the Vastu compass is instrumental in balancing energies within a space, ensuring optimal positive energy flow and harmonious living environments, which goes beyond the basic directional functionality of a standard compass

vastu compass.jpgVastu Compass Directions, Source : Pinterest

Importance of the Vastu Compass in Vastu Shastra

The Vastu compass holds immense significance in Vastu Shastra as it serves as a vital tool for aligning spaces with the principles of this ancient architectural science. By accurately determining directional alignments, the Vastu compass enables architects, builders, and individuals to create spaces that resonate with positive energies, promoting harmony, prosperity, and well-being.

This specialised compass plays a crucial role in optimizing the flow of favorable energy within a space, facilitating the creation of environments conducive to health, wealth, and balance. Through the precise identification of cardinal directions and alignment with natural elements, the Vastu compass enhances the overall vitality and positivity of living and working environments, embodying the essence of Vastu Shastra's principles.

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Types of Vastu Compass

There are two main types of Vastu compasses: the pivotal Vastu compass and the floating Vastu compass. The pivotal compass, commonly used by Vastu practitioners, requires placement on a level surface to automatically align itself, while the floating compass allows users to stand in the center of a space and observe the needle's alignment without ground contact, ensuring accuracy in direction detection.

1bd8ba020f011126ad7026cf071fcd9b.jpgVastu Compass, Source: Pinterest

Let us understand this a bit more in detail

Pivotal Vastu Compass:

This type of Vastu compass is one of the most commonly used devices in Vastu. The magnetic needle in the pivotal compass is balanced on a pivot point, requiring placement on the ground or a level surface in the center of the house. Once placed on a level surface, the compass automatically aligns itself, with the red arrow or needle pointing to the north and all other directions properly aligned

Floating Vastu Compass:

The floating Vastu compass does not need to be placed on the ground. To use this compass, one stands in the center of the house or plot while holding the compass. Wait for the needle with the red tip to stop moving and check if it aligns with the N mark.

It is essential to ensure that no magnetic or electromagnetic objects are nearby when using a floating Vastu compass.

These two types of Vastu compasses, the pivotal and floating compasses, offer different methods for determining accurate directions in Vastu applications, providing individuals with tools to align their spaces effectively according to Vastu principles.

Also Read: The complete Vastu guide for your home

Advantages of a Vastu Compass

Based on the provided sources, the advantages of using a Vastu compass can be summarized as follows:

Direction Accuracy

A Vastu compass assists in accurately determining the positive directions, ensuring that all objects are positioned correctly according to Vastu principles for balanced positive energy flow within a space.

Optimal Positive Energy

Each direction holds distinct energy properties according to Vastu principles. By using a Vastu compass, individuals can identify these energies and their effects on different areas of a structure, promoting a harmonious living or working environment.

Choosing Proper Land

Evaluating a plot for construction can be challenging, but a Vastu compass helps in understanding the energy patterns of the land. Vastu experts can determine the most suitable location for building and suggest adjustments to harmonize the space effectively.

Enhanced Well-Being

By aligning a structure with the principles of Vastu Shastra using a Vastu compass, individuals can enhance the health, well-being, prosperity, and stability of the occupants in both personal and professional endeavors.

Promoting Success

A Vastu-compliant structure, guided by a Vastu compass, can attract prosperity and abundance by harnessing the positive energies associated with cardinal directions, fostering success and stability in various aspects of life.

In conclusion, the advantages of using a Vastu compass include accurate direction determination, optimal positive energy flow, informed decision-making in land selection, enhanced well-being, and the promotion of success and stability in personal and professional endeavors.

Practical Tips to use a Smartphone as a Vastu Compass

shot-handsome-young-man-using-his-smartphone-text-while-working-from-home_762026-55218.jpgUse Smartphone as a Vastu Compass

When using a Vastu compass, individuals are advised to stand at the center of the plot, hold the compass flat in front of their chest, and ensure a clear, interference-free environment for accurate readings. Calibration of smartphone compass apps is crucial for precise direction detection, enhancing the effectiveness of Vastu applications in modern technology.

To use a smartphone as a Vastu compass, follow these steps:

Built-in Compass App: Many smartphones come equipped with built-in compass apps. Ensure your phone has this feature.

Compass Functionality: Activate the compass functionality on your smartphone. This feature allows the phone to determine its orientation accurately.

Calibration: Ensure that the compass app is properly calibrated. Calibration is essential for accurate direction readings.

Usage: Hold your smartphone flat and steady, ensuring it is not tilted. Rotate the phone until the compass needle aligns with the orienting arrow on the app.

Direction Reading: Once the needle aligns with the north direction on the app, determine the line directly in front of you. This line indicates the actual degree or facing direction of your house.

Multiple Readings: Take at least three readings from different parts of your house to ensure accuracy. If readings differ, average them to determine the correct direction.

By following these steps and using a smartphone with a compass app, you can effectively determine the facing direction of your house in alignment with Vastu principles.

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Best Vastu Apps available for download

Here are some apps that can be used as a Vastu compass on a smartphone:

Vastu Compass by AppliedVastu (Google Play Store):

  • This app allows users to grid floor plans and plot layouts with proper orientation for accurate measurement of directions.
  • It provides a tool to grid floor plans with 16 Vastu zones and Vastu chakra, capturing floor plans directly to mark accurate directions.
  • Suitable for general users, Vastu consultants, astrologers, architects, and engineers for professional use.

Simple Vastu Compass (Softonic):

  • Developed by Kintsapp, this Android app is designed to assist users in creating a congenial living or working environment.

Vastu Compass by Mango Techno Apps:

  • This app is popular and available for free download, offering Vastu compass functionality for Android users.

Digital Compass by Axiomatic Inc. (Google Play Store):

  • A high-precision digital compass app with features like latitude, longitude, address, full-screen map, true heading, magnetic heading, magnetic strength, and slope level meter.
  • It provides a sensor status and caution tips for optimal usage, including calibration instructions for accurate readings.

These apps offer various features and functionalities to assist users in determining accurate directions according to Vastu principles using their smartphone

Also Read: 6 Vastu Tips for Setting Up a Mandir at Home

In conclusion, the Vastu compass serves as a fundamental tool in Vastu Shastra, enabling individuals to create spaces that resonate with positive energies and promote holistic well-being. By understanding the principles and applications of the Vastu compass, individuals can harness its benefits to enhance the harmony and vitality of their living and working environments.

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