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The Benefits of 7 Horse Painting In Your Home As Per Vastu
The Benefits of 7 Horse Painting In Your Home As Per Vastu
Discover the significance, benefits, and ideal placements of the 7 horse painting in your home according to Vastu Shastra. Learn how this powerful symbol can attract positive energy, financial stability, and emotional well-being, while avoiding common mistakes in placement.

Table of Contents

  1. Significance of the 7 Horse Painting
  2. Benefits of Having a 7 Horse Painting
  3. Ideal Placement According to Vastu
  4. Common Mistakes to Avoid
  5. Additional Placement Tips
  6. Types of 7 Horse Paintings and What Each Symbolises
  7. 7 Horse Painting with Moon Background
  8. 7 Horse Painting Near Seashore
  9. White 7 Horse Painting
  10. 7 Horse Painting with Peaceful Expressions
  11. 7 Horse Painting with Horses Running in a Straight Line
  12. Conclusion
  13. Faq's

The 7-horse painting is a popular choice in home decor, particularly among those who follow Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science that focuses on harmony and energy flow in living spaces. This painting is not only aesthetically pleasing but is also believed to bring numerous benefits when placed correctly in a home or office. Below is a detailed exploration of the significance, benefits, and ideal placement of the 7 horse paintings according to Vastu principles.


Significance of the 7 Horse Painting

Symbolism of Horses

Horses are often associated with strength, power, and freedom across various cultures. In Hinduism, they symbolise progress and success. The seven horses in the painting are particularly significant as they are linked to Surya Dev, the Sun God, who rides a chariot pulled by seven horses. This connection signifies light, energy, and the dispelling of darkness, which is essential for growth and prosperity. The galloping horses represent movement and the pursuit of goals, making them a powerful symbol of ambition and determination.

The Number Seven

The number seven holds special importance in various cultures and religions, often regarded as auspicious. In Vastu Shastra, it represents completeness and perfection. This significance is reflected in various aspects of life, such as the seven colors of the rainbow, seven continents, and seven notes in music. The presence of seven horses in the painting is thought to enhance the positive energy in a space, promoting good luck and success. This number also resonates with various traditions, such as the seven vows taken during Hindu weddings, further emphasising its auspicious nature.

Benefits of Having a 7 Horse Painting

Positive Energy Flow

The 7 horse painting is believed to attract positive energy into a home or office. Its dynamic imagery of galloping horses symbolizes speed and progress, which can help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. This is particularly beneficial for those seeking to enhance their career or business prospects. The energetic representation of the horses can invigorate the space, creating an atmosphere conducive to creativity and productivity.

Financial Stability

According to Vastu, the painting can contribute to financial stability. The horses are believed to bring blessings from Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. By placing the painting in the right direction, homeowners can invite financial growth and abundance into their lives. The association of the painting with wealth makes it a strategic choice for those looking to improve their financial situation.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

The visual of running horses can evoke feelings of freedom and vitality, contributing to a positive atmosphere in the home. This can enhance the mood of the inhabitants, promoting harmony and peace within the household. The painting can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, reminding individuals of their aspirations and goals. The dynamic imagery can uplift spirits and encourage a proactive mindset, essential for personal and professional growth.

Ideal Placement According to Vastu

Recommended Directions

To maximise the benefits of a 7 horse painting, it is crucial to place it in the correct direction:

South Wall: This is considered the most auspicious location for the painting, as it is associated with success and fame. Hanging the painting here can help remove obstacles to progress.

East Wall: Placing the painting on the east wall can enhance career opportunities and personal growth, as this direction is linked to new beginnings and vitality.

North Wall: If the south wall is unavailable, the north wall is also a good option, as it is believed to attract prosperity and wealth.

Also Read: Vastu Tips for South Facing Homes

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Selecting an Aggressive or Incomplete Painting

When choosing a 7 horse painting, ensure the horses have peaceful expressions and are depicted running in a straight line without obstacles. Avoid paintings with aggressive impressions or incomplete horses as they are considered inauspicious.

Putting it in the Wrong Room

The 7 horse painting should not be placed in bedrooms, study rooms, pooja rooms, or above the main door. Avoid hanging it near bathrooms, toilets or facing any door as it can have negative effects.

Using the Wrong Medium or Size

Use a Vastu-friendly medium like wood or canvas. Avoid paper as the painting medium. The size of the painting should be proportional to the room. A large painting in a small room can overwhelm the space.

Neglecting Maintenance

The painting should be cleaned regularly to avoid dust accumulation which can cause it to look dull. Ensure the frame has no signs of wear and tear or chips. Protect it from direct sunlight and moisture.

Additional Placement Tips

When selecting a painting, consider the following:

  • Ensure the horses have peaceful expressions and are depicted running in a straight line without obstacles.
  • The background should be serene, ideally depicting a sunrise, which symbolises new beginnings and positive energy.
  • The painting should be of appropriate size for the room; a large painting in a small room can overwhelm the space, while a small painting in a large room may not have the desired impact.

Types of 7 Horse Paintings and What Each Symbolises

7 Horse Painting with Sunrise Background


A 7 horse painting with a sunrise background is considered one of the most auspicious and beneficial variations according to Vastu Shastra. This painting symbolizes new beginnings, success, and financial stability.

The rising sun in the background represents the start of a new day filled with possibilities and opportunities. The seven horses, depicted in a galloping motion, signify strength, progress, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Together, this powerful imagery creates an atmosphere of positivity and growth.

Placing this painting in the south direction of your home or office is ideal, as the south is associated with success and fame. The vibrant colors and dynamic energy of the painting can help attract prosperity and abundance into your life. It serves as a constant reminder to embrace each day with enthusiasm and determination, never losing sight of your goals.

When selecting a 7 horse painting with a sunrise background, ensure that the horses have peaceful expressions and are running in a straight line without any obstacles. The background should be serene, with a clear sky and a bright sun peeking over the horizon. This symbolism reinforces the idea of a clear path to success and the removal of any hindrances.

By incorporating this painting into your living or working space, you can create an environment that fosters positivity, motivation, and a sense of purpose. The painting's ability to enhance energy flow and attract success makes it a valuable addition to any home or office.

Also Read: Vastu Wall Paintings for Luck: A Guide to Attract Positive Energy to Your Home

7 Horse Painting with Moon Background

While the 7 horse painting with a sunrise background is highly sought after, the variation with a moon in the background also holds significant meaning and benefits according to Vastu Shastra.

The moon, often associated with calmness, serenity, and introspection, adds a serene and peaceful element to the painting. The seven horses, still depicted in a galloping motion, symbolise progress and success, but with a more tranquil undertone.

This painting is ideal for those seeking harmony, peace, and steady progress in their lives. The moon's calming influence can help create a soothing atmosphere in your home or office, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Unlike the sunrise painting, which is best suited for the south direction, the 7 horse painting with a moon background can be placed in the north or east directions. The north is associated with wealth and prosperity, while the east is linked to new beginnings and personal growth.

When selecting this variation, look for a painting that showcases the horses running in a straight line, with the moon casting a gentle glow on the scene. The background should be dark, allowing the moon and horses to stand out prominently.

By incorporating this painting into your space, you can invite positive energies and create an environment that fosters inner peace, progress, and a sense of balance. The painting's ability to promote harmony and success makes it a valuable addition to any home or office.

Also Read: Curved Mirror Vastu for Home: Enhancing Harmony and Prosperity

7 Horse Painting Near Seashore


Another intriguing variation of the 7 horse painting is the one depicting the horses near a seashore. This painting is believed to invite positive energies and boost work progress, making it an ideal choice for both home and office settings.

The presence of the sea in the background adds a sense of vastness and freedom to the painting. The seven horses, still running in their characteristic galloping motion, symbolize the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Placing this painting in your home or office can help create an atmosphere of positivity and productivity. The painting's ability to invite positive energies and boost work progress makes it a valuable addition to any space.

When selecting a 7 horse painting near a seashore, look for one that showcases the horses running along the shoreline, with the waves gently lapping at their feet. The background should be serene, with a clear sky and a calm sea.

By incorporating this painting into your space, you can create an environment that fosters creativity, productivity, and a sense of adventure. The painting's ability to invite positive energies and boost work progress makes it a valuable addition to any home or office.

White 7 Horse Painting

The white 7 horse painting is a unique variation that holds special significance according to Vastu Shastra. The color white represents purity, peace, and clarity, making this painting a powerful tool for attracting positive vibes and good luck.

The seven white horses, depicted in their signature galloping motion, symbolize strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome obstacles. The pure white color adds an ethereal quality to the painting, creating a sense of serenity and calm.

This painting can be placed in the south, north, or east directions of your home or office. The south is associated with success and fame, while the north is linked to wealth and prosperity. The east, on the other hand, represents new beginnings and personal growth.

When selecting a white 7 horse painting, look for one that showcases the horses running in a straight line, with a serene background. The painting should have a sense of balance and harmony, with the white horses standing out against the background.

By incorporating this painting into your space, you can create an environment that fosters peace, clarity, and positive energy. The painting's ability to attract good luck and positive vibes makes it a valuable addition to any home or office.

Also Read: Vastu for Kids' Room: Tips For a Balanced Space for Growth and Well-Being

7 Horse Painting with Peaceful Expressions

While most 7 horse paintings depict the horses in a galloping motion, symbolizing progress and achievement, the variation with peaceful expressions holds its own unique significance according to Vastu Shastra.

This painting showcases the seven horses with calm, serene expressions, conveying a sense of harmony and tranquility. The horses are still running, but their movements are more graceful and relaxed, rather than frantic.

This painting is ideal for those seeking emotional well-being and psychological benefits. The peaceful expressions of the horses can help create a calming atmosphere in your home or office, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

The painting's ability to depict harmony and tranquility makes it a perfect choice for placement in the living room or guest room. These spaces are meant for relaxation and socializing, and the peaceful energy of the painting can enhance the overall atmosphere.

When selecting a 7 horse painting with peaceful expressions, look for one that showcases the horses running in a straight line, with a serene background. The painting should have a sense of balance and harmony, with the horses' expressions conveying a sense of calm and contentment.

By incorporating this painting into your space, you can create an environment that fosters emotional well-being and psychological benefits. The painting's ability to promote harmony and tranquility makes it a valuable addition to any home or office.

7 Horse Painting with Horses Running in a Straight Line

The 7 horse painting with the horses running in a straight line is a powerful symbol of progress and achievement according to Vastu Shastra. This variation showcases the seven horses galloping in perfect synchronisation, without any obstacles or distractions in their path.

The straight-line motion of the horses symbolises the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success. The painting's imagery conveys a sense of focus, determination, and unwavering commitment to reaching one's goals.

This painting is ideal for those seeking to enhance their career or business prospects. The horses' straight-line running represents the speed and efficiency needed to achieve professional success. By placing this painting in the right direction, you can invite positive energies and remove any blockages to your progress.

When selecting a 7 horse painting with horses running in a straight line, look for one that showcases the horses in perfect symmetry, with no obstacles or distractions in their path. The background should be serene and uncluttered, allowing the horses to stand out prominently.

By incorporating this painting into your space, you can create an environment that fosters progress, achievement, and the removal of obstacles to success. The painting's ability to enhance speed and growth in career and business makes it a valuable addition to any home or office.

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Incorporating a 7 horse painting into your home decor can significantly enhance the positive energy and overall atmosphere of the space. By adhering to Vastu guidelines for placement and ensuring the painting embodies the right symbolism, homeowners can invite prosperity, success, and harmony into their lives. This timeless piece of art not only serves as a beautiful decoration but also as a powerful tool for personal and financial growth.

The 7 horse painting stands as a testament to the harmony between art and ancient wisdom, making it a cherished addition to any space. Whether you seek to enhance your career, improve financial stability, or simply create a positive environment, the 7 horse painting serves as a versatile and valuable asset in achieving these goals.

By selecting the right variation of the painting, such as one with a sunrise background for success, a moon background for peace, or one with horses running in a straight line for progress, you can tailor the painting to your specific needs and aspirations. The painting's ability to attract positive energies, promote emotional well-being, and remove obstacles to success makes it a must-have for anyone looking to create a harmonious and prosperous living or working space.

In conclusion, the 7 horse painting is not just a decorative piece but a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth. By incorporating this painting into your home or office, you can create an environment that fosters positivity, motivation, and the achievement of your goals. So embrace the wisdom of Vastu Shastra and let the 7 horse painting guide you towards a life filled with success, abundance, and inner peace.

Also Read: East-Facing Home Vastu: Tips For a Healthy and Prosperous Life

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