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T-Point House: Challenges, Vastu Tips 2024
T-Point House: Challenges, Vastu Tips 2024
Discover the effects of T-Point houses and learn effective Vastu remedies to mitigate negative energy, promote harmony, and create a prosperous living environment. Includes tips for east, west, north and south facing T-Point houses.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a T-Point House?
  3. Common Problems associated with a T-point house are:
  4. East-Facing T-Point House
  5. West-Facing T-Point House
  6. North-Facing T-Point House
  7. South-Facing T-Point House
  8. Vastu Remedies for T-Point Houses
  9. Advantages of a T-Point House:
  10. Disadvantages of a T-Point House:
  11. Conclusion
  12. Faq's


A house situated at a T-point, where two roads intersect at a right angle, can pose significant challenges according to the principles of Vastu Shastra. The T-junction is considered a source of negative energy, as the incoming energy from the two roads collides at the junction and creates "Sha Chi" or negative energy flow. This disruption in the harmonious flow of positive energy (Chi) can lead to various issues for the occupants of the house. In this article, we will share Vastu Tips and Solutions to lessen the negative effects T-Point houses are said to bring.

Vastu-tpoint house.jpg

Also Read: 6 Vastu Tips for Setting Up a Mandir at Home

What is a T-Point House?

A T-Point House is a house situated at a T-junction, where two roads intersect at a right angle. It is also known as Veedhi Shool, where Veedhi refers to the road and shool means spear.

The direct alignment of the house with the road, forming a shape similar to the letter T, is considered inauspicious according to Vastu Shastra principles. The T-junction is seen as a source of negative energy and causes disruption in the harmonious flow of positive energy which according to Vastu Principle can lead to various issues for the occupants of the house, such as Instability, health problems, financial challenges etc

However, it's important to note that not all T-Point houses are inauspicious. A house with its main entrance facing North at a T-point can actually be beneficial for health and prosperity according to Vastu


Common Problems associated with a T-point house are:


The constant flow of energy from the two roads intersecting at a T-junction can create a sense of instability and restlessness within the house. The collision of these energies disrupts the harmonious flow of positive Chi, leading to an unsettled atmosphere. This instability can manifest in various aspects of life, such as:

  • Frequent mood swings and irritability among occupants
  • Difficulty in maintaining focus and concentration
  • Relationship tensions and communication breakdowns
  • Lack of a stable routine or schedule

Health Issues

The collision of energies at a T-point can adversely affect the health of the occupants. The negative energy can create an imbalance in the body's natural energy flow, leading to physical and mental health problems. Some common issues include:

  • Increased stress and anxiety levels
  • Difficulty in relaxing and sleeping
  • Weakened immune system and frequent illnesses
  • Headaches, migraines, and other stress-related ailments
  • Emotional disturbances like mood swings and depression

Financial Challenges

A house situated at a T-point may experience financial difficulties due to obstructed energy flow. The negative energy can create obstacles in the flow of wealth and prosperity, leading to:

  • Unexpected expenses and financial setbacks
  • Difficulty in saving or accumulating wealth
  • Lack of job stability or career growth
  • Business losses or stagnation
  • Delays in achieving financial goals

Lack of Privacy

The open space at the T-junction can result in a lack of privacy for the residents. The direct alignment of the house with the road can make the occupants feel exposed and vulnerable. This lack of privacy can lead to:

  • Discomfort and unease in one's own home
  • Difficulty in maintaining personal boundaries
  • Reluctance to engage in private activities or conversations
  • Feeling of being constantly observed or judged
  • Inability to create a peaceful and relaxing environment

To mitigate these negative effects, it is essential to implement appropriate Vastu remedies and create a harmonious living environment. Consulting with a qualified Vastu expert can help identify the most effective solutions for a specific T-Point house.

East-Facing T-Point House

An east-facing T-Point house is considered quite auspicious, as it receives the beneficial morning sunlight. The eastern direction is associated with positive energy, prosperity, and good health in Vastu Shastra.

Potential Benefits

  • The morning sun can boost mood, energy, and overall well-being of occupants
  • The positive energy from the east can promote financial stability and growth
  • The harmonious flow of energy can create a calm and rejuvenating atmosphere

Potential Challenges

  • The direct alignment with the road can still bring some negative effects, such as:
  • Increased stress and noise pollution from the traffic
  • Potential disruptions to financial stability
  • Health issues due to the collision of energies

Vastu Remedies

To maximise the benefits and mitigate the challenges:

  • Install a barrier like a wall or thick greenery to block the direct road energy
  • Use curtains or blinds to control the sunlight entering the home
  • Decorate the entrance with lucky symbols, plants, or other auspicious elements
  • Ensure the house is well-lit and maintained in a clean, orderly manner

By implementing these Vastu remedies, an east-facing T-Point house can become a harmonious and prosperous living space

East Facing House.jpgFloor Plan of a East Facing House, Source: Pinterest

West-Facing T-Point House

A west-facing T-Point house receives the evening sunlight, which can attract both positive and negative energies according to Vastu Shastra. The direct alignment with the road can also pose certain challenges.

Potential Benefits and Drawbacks

The west direction is associated with stability and support in Vastu. However, a west-facing T-Point house can also attract excess heat and energy, resulting in potential imbalances.

The direct sunlight in the afternoon can cause overheating and discomfort for the occupants. Additionally, the constant road energy may also lead to stress and disruptions.

Vastu Remedies

  • To boost the positivity and mitigate the negative effects of a west-facing T-Point house, Vastu experts recommend the following remedies:
  • Place trees, plants, or install awnings/canopies to block the direct afternoon sunlight and reduce heat buildup inside the house.
  • Strategically use heavy curtains or blinds on the west-facing windows to control the amount of sunlight entering the home.
  • Include water elements like fountains or pools at the entrance or in the west-facing areas to balance the excess heat and create a soothing ambiance.
  • Ensure proper cross-ventilation and air circulation within the house to prevent the buildup of stagnant, negative energy.
  • Plant tall, dense trees or shrubs along the western boundary to create a natural barrier and buffer the direct road energy.
  • Install mirrors or other reflective surfaces inside the house to distribute the positive energies and neutralize the negative effects.

Also read: Vastu Benefits of Crystal Trees: Directional Guide and Implementation Tips

North-Facing T-Point House

A north-facing T-Point house is considered ideal according to Vastu Shastra, as it receives positive energy from the north direction which is associated with wealth and prosperity. However, the direct alignment with the road can still pose some challenges.

Potential Benefits

  • The north direction brings in positive energy, promoting financial growth and stability
  • Occupants may experience good health and career success
  • The harmonious flow of energy creates a peaceful, prosperous atmosphere

Potential Challenges

  • The direct road energy can lead to stress, noise, and disruptions to financial stability
  • Health issues may arise due to the collision of energies

Vastu Remedies

  • Place a barrier like a wall or thick greenery to reduce the direct energy flow from the road
  • Install water elements like fountains at the entrance to attract positive energy
  • Keep the entrance clean, well-lit, and decorate with auspicious symbols or plants
  • Use mirrors inside the house to reflect and distribute positive energies
North facing house.jpgNorth Facing House Floor Plan, Source: Pinterest

South-Facing T-Point House

A south-facing T-Point house receives intense sunlight throughout the day, which can cause discomfort and stress. The direct road energy can also result in health issues and financial instability.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Excessive heat from the sun can lead to physical and mental stress
  • Direct road energy may adversely impact health and financial well-being
  • Noise and lack of privacy due to the open space at the junction

Vastu Remedies

  • Use heavy curtains or blinds to control the intense sunlight
  • Plant tall trees or build a wall to block the direct road energy
  • Include cooling elements like water fountains at the entrance
  • Ensure proper ventilation and temperature control within the house

By implementing these Vastu remedies, homeowners can mitigate the negative effects and create a more harmonious living environment in their north or south-facing T-Point houses. However, it's important to note that each property is unique, and consulting a qualified Vastu expert is recommended for the most effective solutions.

Vastu Remedies for T-Point Houses

Create a Barrier or Buffer Zone: One of the most effective Vastu remedies is to create a barrier or buffer zone between the house and the T-junction. This can be achieved through thoughtful landscaping, such as planting tall and dense trees or shrubs along the boundary of the property facing the T-point. This can act as a natural barrier and absorb negative energies.

Redirect the Main Entrance: The main entrance of the house is a vital aspect of Vastu, as it is the gateway for energy to enter the dwelling. In the case of a T-point house, the main entrance should ideally face away from the junction to avoid direct exposure to the negative energy.

Use Favorable Colors and Elements: Vastu recommends incorporating calming and balancing colors like pastels and earth tones to counter the negative effects of a T-point. Additionally, the use of Vastu Yantras and pyramids can help in redirecting and harmonising the energy flow.

418e438fc798958138f63602d489b5d7.jpgVastu Approved Colours for home, Pinterest

Construct a High and Thick Wall: Building a high and thick wall facing the road can help reduce the negative impact of the T-junction and restrict the direct view of the road. This can create a sense of privacy and block the flow of negative energy.

Incorporate Metal Strips: Using metal strips made of copper, brass, or lead, and joining them with metal wire, can help in reducing the negativity of the house entrance. However, this should be done under the guidance of a qualified Vastu consultant.

Grow Bamboo Plants: Planting bamboo plants within the property can help absorb negativity and even reduce sound pollution, creating a serene environment.

Advantages of a T-Point House:

  • T-point houses often have improved airflow and ventilation due to their open front layout.
  • These houses typically receive ample natural light, especially if facing east or north directions.
  • The prominent location makes the house highly visible, which can be beneficial for businesses or if you enjoy an unobstructed view

Disadvantages of a T-Point House:

  • The direct traffic flow towards the house can create constant noise and stress for the occupants
  • The open positioning of the house can lead to a lack of privacy due to the visibility from the road.
  • There is an increased risk of vehicle accidents, as drivers may miss the turn and collide with the house.
  • According to Vastu Shastra, the collision of energies at the T-junction can create negative "Sha Chi" or disruptive energy flow.
  • The disrupted energy flow can adversely impact the health and financial well-being of the occupantns


It is important to note that each house and its surroundings are unique, and the Vastu remedies should be tailored accordingly. Seeking the guidance of a qualified Vastu consultant is highly recommended to ensure the most effective solution for a T-point house.

By implementing these Vastu remedies, homeowners can mitigate the negative effects of a T-point house and create a harmonious and positive living environment, promoting the well-being and prosperity of the occupants.

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