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Vastu-Friendly Plants and Which Ones to Avoid
Vastu-Friendly Plants and Which Ones to Avoid
Explore the principles of Vastu Shastra for plant selection in your living space, focusing on Vastu-friendly plants and those to avoid. Understand the cultural significance, energy dynamics, and personalized approaches to harmonizing your home. Learn about the role of plants in fostering positive energy in your home.

Vastu Shastra, deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom of India, represents more than just an architectural system; it is a profound science that seeks to harmonize living spaces with natural elements. The essence of Vastu lies in its ability to merge the art of design with a keen understanding of the subtle energies that permeate the cosmos. At its core, Vastu acknowledges the influence of "prana," the life force that flows through all living things. It tells that the arrangement and orientation of objects within a space can significantly impact this energy flow. The ultimate goal of Vastu is to optimize this flow, creating an environment that not only shelters its inhabitants but promotes their well-being through a positive and balanced energy distribution.

Harmony Across Cultures

Creating a harmonious living space is a pursuit that transcends cultural boundaries, resonating universally with individuals seeking comfort, balance, and positive energy in their homes. Various cultures worldwide have developed unique practices and principles to achieve this goal. In India, the ancient system of Vastu Shastra stands as a testament to the enduring wisdom that recognizes the intricate relationship between architecture, design, and the energies that surround us.

Vastu and Plant Selection

Central to the philosophy of Vastu is the idea that the selection and placement of elements within a living space can either enhance or disrupt the natural flow of energy. Among these elements, plants hold a special significance. Vastu posits that certain plants carry energies that align with the principles of positivity and prosperity, while others may introduce inauspicious vibrations. The understanding of these botanical influences becomes crucial in curating a home that not only aesthetically pleases but also fosters an environment conducive to the well-being of its residents.

Vastu-Friendly Plants

1. Tulsi (Holy Basil):

  • In addition to its spiritual significance, Tulsi is also known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is widely used in producing traditional medicine for treating various illnesses.
  • Planting Tulsi in the northeast corner is believed to enhance positive energy and contribute to a harmonious environment.
  • Regular worship and care of the Tulsi plant are considered auspicious, and its leaves are often used in religious ceremonies.

2. Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum):

  • The Money Plant, also known as the Devil's Ivy, is easy to care for and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.
  • It is recommended to place the Money Plant in a green vase or pot to amplify its positive effects on wealth.
  • According to Vastu, placing it near the electronic items in the southeast corner can counteract any negative effects they might have on financial stability.


3. Aloe Vera:

  • Aloe Vera not only absorbs negative energy but also has soothing and healing properties for the skin.
  • Placing Aloe Vera near the entrance is thought to ward off negative vibes and protect the household from external negativity.
  • Additionally, Aloe Vera is known for its ability to thrive in various conditions, symbolizing adaptability and resilience.

4. Bamboo Plant:

  • Bamboo is associated with good fortune and strength due to its rapid growth and flexibility.
  • Placing a bamboo plant in the southeast corner is believed to attract positive energy related to financial growth.
  • It is often recommended to keep the bamboo stalks in odd numbers, as odd numbers are considered more auspicious in Vastu.

Bamboo Plant

5. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum):

  • Beyond its air-purifying qualities, the Peace Lily is associated with purity and spiritual well-being.
  • It is suggested to place Peace Lily in shaded corners to foster a calm and serene atmosphere.
  • Regularly wiping the leaves of the Peace Lily is considered beneficial for maintaining a clean and positive environment.

6. Neem Tree:

  • Neem is well-known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicine.
  • Planting a Neem tree in the northeast corner not only contributes to air purification but is also believed to enhance overall health and well-being.
  • Neem leaves are sometimes used in rituals for their purifying influence, and the tree is valued for its shade and medicinal benefits.

Also Read:How to Select Plants For the Living Room

Plants to Avoid According to Vastu

1. Cactus:

  • In Vastu, cacti are often associated with sharp, negative energy due to their thorns.
  • The belief is that these thorns can create a hostile environment, disrupting the positive flow of energy within the home.
  • It is suggested to place cacti outside the living spaces or in gardens, away from the main living areas, to avoid any adverse effects on the household.

2. Bonsai:

  • While Bonsai trees are appreciated for their aesthetics, in Vastu, the small size of Bonsai can be seen as symbolic of restricted growth.
  • Some practitioners believe that having Bonsai inside the house may hinder progress and development.
  • If one wishes to keep Bonsai, it is advised to place it in areas where its small size doesn't conflict with the flow of positive energy.


3. Milky or Thorny Plants:

  • Plants with milky sap, like certain rubber plants, are thought to carry negative energy in Vastu.
  • Thorny plants are believed to bring obstacles and challenges into the home environment.
  • To maintain positive energy, it is recommended to choose plants with clear and vibrant sap, and those without thorns.

4. Dead or Dried Plants:

  • Dead or dried plants are considered inauspicious in Vastu as they symbolize stagnation, lack of growth, and vitality.
  • Keeping such plants inside the house may attract negative energy and hinder the positive flow.
  • Regularly removing dead or dried plants and replacing them with healthy ones is advised to maintain a vibrant and positive atmosphere.

Dried Plants

5. Tall and Thorny Plants near the Entrance:

  • Placing tall and thorny plants near the entrance is discouraged as they might obstruct the smooth flow of positive energy entering the home.
  • Smooth-leaved and aesthetically pleasing plants are preferred near the entrance to invite positive vibrations.
  • The entrance is considered a crucial point for energy flow, and choosing plants wisely in this area is emphasized in Vastu practices.

Personalizing Vastu Practices

While Vastu Shastra offers general guidelines, it is crucial to adapt these principles to your personal preferences and circumstances. Consider your cultural background, as beliefs and practices may vary across regions and communities. What holds significance for one person might differ for another. Individual preferences, such as color choices, decor styles, and room functionalities, should also be taken into account. Balancing Vastu principles with personal tastes creates a harmonious living space.

Consulting with a Vastu Expert

Engaging with a Vastu expert can provide tailored advice based on the specific characteristics of your home. Experts can assess the direction and layout of rooms, the placement of doors and windows, and other architectural elements to offer personalized recommendations. The guidance of a Vastu expert ensures that the adjustments made align with your home's unique energy dynamics, addressing any specific challenges or opportunities within the space.

Incorporating Vastu into Home Design

When designing or renovating a home, incorporating Vastu principles from the outset can be advantageous. Factors such as the placement of rooms, the orientation of the main entrance, and the positioning of key elements like the kitchen or bedroom can be optimized for positive energy flow. Consulting with an architect or designer knowledgeable in Vastu can help seamlessly integrate these principles into the overall design, creating a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and energetically balanced.

Balance and Flexibility

Achieving a balance between Vastu's recommendations and practical considerations is essential. Some adjustments might be challenging due to structural constraints or pre-existing layouts. In such cases, a flexible approach allows for pragmatic adaptations without compromising the overall energy harmony. The key is to strike a balance between adherence to Vastu principles and accommodating the functional needs and constraints of your living space.

Regular Review and Adjustment

Homes evolve, and lifestyle changes may impact the energy dynamics within a space. Regularly reviewing and adjusting Vastu practices based on changes in the household, such as renovations or rearrangements, ensures that the positive energy flow is maintained. This ongoing process allows for a dynamic and responsive application of Vastu principles, aligning with the evolving needs of the occupants.


In conclusion, the selection and placement of plants by Vastu principles can contribute to a positive and harmonious living environment. While these guidelines offer a holistic approach to creating positive energy, it's crucial to balance them with personal preferences and practical considerations. The ultimate goal is to create a living space that resonates with positive energy, enhances overall well-being, and reflects a harmonious connection with nature.

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