Bliss is a heavenly state of being, halfway between happiness and nirvana. It's the basis for peace. It's feeling the sun on your back. It's a good night's sleep. It's a child's hand holding yours. It's loving and being loved. It's the quiet hours before anyone else awakens. It's the aroma of fresh baked bread. It's the chirping of birds at dawn. It's feeling the grass under your feet. It's seeing life in all its beauty. But this most precious feeling is easily lost when it's covered by the smog of tensions, worries and stress. It needs a special space of tranquility to live, breathe and grow. Set yourself free. Invest in Bliss.Runwal Bliss, built around an ancient 155 year old Banyan tree, offers a well-deserved respite from this fast paced lifestyle. Like the roots of the Banyan tree, Runwal Bliss is also well connected, both by road and rail to every part of Mumbai.