Shravanthi Oak Ridge will be a vibrant new green community, with its location opposite to the well preserved Turahalli forest and theme park, in Banashankari 6th stage, Kanakpura Road. Our premium villas are based on Australian ranchstyle country houses. The close proximity to the Turahalli forest makes this neighbourhood ideal for your overall well being, in terms of h ealt hy livi ng, open spaces and the clean air - in other words, your own green sanctuary! 'It is said, home is not a place, but a moment, and then another, building on each other like bricks to create a solid shelter that you take with you for your entire life, wherever you ma y go.'Shravanthi Oak Ridge is built on the foundation to make sure your moments turn into everlasting memories. The Shravanthi Oak Ridge 4 bedroom villas will all have spacious private gardens. Our landscape architects have taken great pride and care in developing each and every garden. Add to this, comforts of a terrace garden overlooking the forest , to a fa mily sit ting room with home theatr e system provisions, spacious guestrooms, maste r bedroom, two car par ks, expansive floor plans - makes this an ideal place, to pause and appreciate the simple pleasures of life, togeth er with all your loved ones.