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Home Decor Accessories List 2024
Home Decor Accessories List 2024
The contemporary decor of a house is incomplete without the right accessories. Here is a guide to choosing the best fit of contemporary accessories for your homes.

The contemporary style is constantly evolving. It represents what is currently trending. The constant fluidity of this style has made it popular among people. What is considered 'in trend' today may not be trending next year. So, there is always a scope of redecorating, of doing something better or something new.

Many designers believe that rather than a pre-set style code, contemporary style involves what an individual likes and feels. This been said, contemporary decor can make one's house seem bland and impersonal just as much as it can make it seem lively and warm. There are some features, however, that are common to contemporary home decor accessories.


Often, plants are used as decor accessories. As is the human tendency, people's eyes are naturally drawn to colours, shapes, and textures of the natural world because they make the room look fresh. Additionally, they add rich colour and life to the whole ambience. One must place the plants in such a way that they get enough sunlight.

Wooden furnishings

Some people also embellish their contemporarily designed living rooms or bedrooms using a bookshelf. One benefit of this is that wooden furnishings, especially those of darker shades, match well with the over-all pastel colour theme that contemporary decor is usually associated with. Moreover, books help add some colour to the room, enough to make it look lively.


Mirrors also make for appropriate accessories in a contemporary setting. Those fitted within intricate wooden or metal frames (of matching shades) blend well with the sitting. For people who have smaller rooms, mirrors could actually help enhance the room. If a mirror is mounted opposite a window, natural light will bounce off it, making the room appear bigger.

Decorative objects like flower vases

Interior designers and experts in the field suggest picking out decorative objects in groups of three. This creates a natural symmetry in the room. For instance, if one wants to keep flower vases in the room, he must try to place three similar vases on different surfaces.


If one has chosen neutral colours for all elements but wants to add little a colour to the room, they can do so without altering the pastel theme. Cushions are an effective way of adding colour to the room. One can place colourful cushions on light - coloured monotone sofas, or choose solid patterned cushions with bold colours. Sometimes, unusual colour combinations can do wonders to the room decor!

Some people believe in changing decor accessories with seasons. For instance, to match the spirit of the spring season, many people use white pottery or light-coloured bowls, plates, and trays as decor. There are some others who change their choice of flowers and the volume of flowers in each vase with seasons. This liberty to customise is probably the best feature that contemporary decor offers to people.

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