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IGR Maharashtra 2022: Complete Guide for Property Registration
IGR Maharashtra 2022: Complete Guide for Property Registration
If you are reading this article, it is most likely that you have started on your homebuying journey and if you think the house hunting job is difficult, the registration process is even more challenging. To make things easier for you, Dwello has compiled a step-by-step guide on how you can get started with the registration process.

The process of buying a house is unfortunately, not as straightforward as walking into your favorite store, picking out what you like, and paying for it. One of the important steps towards making your dream home yours is property registration.

If you are reading this article, it is most likely that you have started on your home-buying journey, and if you think the house hunting job is difficult, the registration process is even more challenging. To make things easier for you, Dwello has compiled a step-by-step guide on how you can get started with the registration process.

Before we begin, let us know the basics

What is Property Registration?

A property registration is a legal process which allows the buyer to take legal ownership of that property. If a home buyer has all other pre-requisite documents in place but has not done property registration, then anyone can raise a legal dispute about that property. Therefore, making it is one of the vital steps in home buying.

So in short, property registration is mandatory as per the Registration Act of 1908, and if you have invested so much time and money in your dream home, ensuring your right to ownership is a necessity.

What Are The Benefits Of Property Registration?

Property deed registration has the following advantages.

  • To ensure the deed's authenticity
  • For the purpose of preventing frauds, conserving evidence, and transferring ownership.
  • To make transactions more visible.
  • A property registration keeps a public record up to date.
  • A property's status can be determined by checking whether, or not, it has already been sold.
  • In case the original deeds are lost or destroyed, security of title deeds may be produced to ensure ownership and prove titles

What are the documents required for Property Registration in Maharashtra?

To register a property in the state of Maharashtra, you need to have the following documents with you

  • Aadhar Card
  • Passport Size photo of both the parties-seller and buyer
  • A copy of the No objection certificate under the land ceiling act
  • A copy of the latest property register card
  • A copy of the Municipal Tax Bill
  • Certificate of completion of construction

  • Original agreement between the builder and the buyer

How to Register a Property in Maharashtra?

Step 1: Visit Sub-Registar Office

Start your property registration process by visiting the sub-registrar office to collect the property registration form.

Step 2: Complete The Application Form

Ensure the application form contains the necessary information without any errors related to the property, such as:

Document details

Details of parties

Property details

Step 3: Submit the completed application form to the Registrar Office

Following the filling out of the form along with the required documents, submit the form to the nearby registrar office to start the verification process.

Step 4: Verification process

Following the receiving of documents and form from your end, the verification process in initiated by the sub-registrar.

Step 5: Payment Process

After the verification process, the applicant has to make the payment. Following the payment, the applicant will receive the e-stamp. E-stamp papers are used to electronically pay the government stamp duty.

Step 6: Recording of Photo and Fingerprint

Following the payment process, the photo and fingerprint of the applicant will be recorded.

Step 7: If all the documents and signatures are in place, the Sub-Registrar office will issue the registration number

Step 8: The sub-registrar will affix the seals and sign the registration deed.

Step 9: Acknowledgement Receipt

A receipt will be provided as confirmation of registration. The applicant must present the receipt to the Sub-Registrar office.

Step 10: Once the documents have been scanned, the registered documents will be handed over by the Sub-Registrar office at the scheduled appointment time, along with the generated report and appointment slip.

A property owner needs to apply to the Municipal Authority to obtain a mutation of the property's title after verifying the documents proposed by the registered title deed.

It will take 45 days from the date of application for Maharashtra property registration to complete all the procedures.

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