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Mirror Directions in Vastu Shastra: Importance, Placement, and Effects
Mirror Directions in Vastu Shastra: Importance, Placement, and Effects
Explore the significance of mirror directions in Vastu Shastra with our comprehensive guide. Learn about ideal mirror placements, Vastu tips for harmonious home energy, and remedies for mirror-related Vastu doshas

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Mirror Directions in Vastu
  2. Mirror Placement Guidelines
  3. Mirrors in Specific Rooms
  4. Correcting Vastu Doshas with Mirrors
  5. Mirror Placement Mistakes
  6. Conclusion
  7. Faq's

Introduction to Mirror Directions in Vastu

Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, places significant importance on the placement and direction of mirrors within a home. According to Vastu principles, mirrors are powerful tools that can influence the flow of energy, or chi, in a space. The correct placement of mirrors can enhance positivity, attract prosperity, and improve overall well-being, while incorrect placement can lead to negative energy, stress, and imbalance.

Mirrors are not just decorative elements; they serve as reflectors of energy and light. By understanding and applying Vastu guidelines for mirror directions, homeowners can create environments that support health, happiness, and harmony. This guide delves into the essential principles of mirror placement in Vastu Shastra, offering practical tips and insights to optimize the use of mirrors in your living spaces.

Mirror Placement Guidelines

Correct mirror placement according to Vastu Shastra is essential for harnessing positive energy and avoiding negative influences in your home. Here are some key guidelines to ensure optimal mirror placement:
Mirror placement Vastu.jpg Mirror placement Vastu

North and East Directions:

Ideal for Mirrors: Placing mirrors on the northern or eastern walls is considered highly auspicious. These directions are associated with positive energy and prosperity.

Enhance Wealth: Mirrors facing these directions can help in attracting wealth and positive energy into the home.

South and West Directions:

Avoid Mirrors: It is generally advised to avoid placing mirrors on the southern or western walls. These directions are associated with negative energy and may cause financial and health issues.

Remedies: If unavoidable, ensure that the mirror does not directly reflect the main entrance or any negative elements.

Bedroom Mirrors:
Bedroom Mirrors.jpg Bedroom Mirrors

No Mirrors Facing the Bed: Mirrors should not face the bed directly. This can lead to disturbances in sleep and health issues.

Inside Closet Doors: If you need a mirror in the bedroom, consider placing it inside closet doors or in a position where it does not reflect the bed.

Dining Area:
Dining Area mirror.jpgDinning Area Mirror

Positive Reflection: Placing a mirror in the dining room that reflects the dining table is considered auspicious. It symbolizes doubling of food and wealth, enhancing prosperity.

Living Room:
Living Room mirror.jpgLiving Room Mirror

Expanding Space: Mirrors can be used in the living room to make the space appear larger and brighter. Position them to reflect natural light from windows.

Avoid Reflecting Entrances: Ensure that mirrors do not reflect the main entrance, as this can bounce away positive energy entering the home.

Bathroom Mirrors:
Bathroom Mirrors.jpgBathroom Mirrror

Height and Placement: Place mirrors at a height where the tallest member of the house can comfortably see their reflection without having to bend. Ensure that mirrors do not reflect the toilet, as this is considered inauspicious.

Mirrors in Specific Rooms

Home Office

Enhance Productivity: Place mirrors to reflect natural light and pleasant views, creating a positive and productive environment. Avoid placing mirrors directly behind the working desk, as it can cause distractions.

Boost Energy: Mirrors can enhance the flow of energy in the workspace, promoting focus and efficiency.


Avoid Mirrors: Generally, mirrors are not recommended in the kitchen, as they can reflect the fire (stove) and create imbalance. If necessary, use small decorative mirrors on the north or east walls.

Children's Room

Avoid Facing Bed: Similar to the master bedroom, avoid placing mirrors that reflect the bed. It can disturb the childs sleep and cause restlessness.

Enhance Light: Use mirrors to reflect natural light and create a bright, cheerful atmosphere for studying and playing.

Home Gym

Motivation and Energy: Mirrors in the home gym can motivate and enhance energy levels by reflecting your workout space. Place them on the north or east walls for positive energy.

Storerooms and Basements

Avoid Mirrors: Mirrors are generally not recommended in storerooms and basements, as these areas are typically cluttered and can reflect negative energy.

Correcting Vastu Doshas with Mirrors

Mirrors are powerful tools in Vastu Shastra that can be used to correct Vastu doshas (imbalances) and enhance positive energy in your home. Here are some practical ways to use mirrors for Vastu corrections:

Enhancing Light and Space:

Reflect Natural Light: Place mirrors opposite windows to reflect natural light into dark or cramped areas, making the space appear larger and more vibrant.

Expanding Small Rooms: Use mirrors on walls to give the illusion of a larger space, especially in small or narrow rooms.

Correcting Structural Flaws:

Missing Corners: If your home has a missing corner (cut-out) in the north or east direction, placing a mirror on the wall adjacent to the missing corner can symbolically complete the space and balance the energy.

Sharp Corners: To soften the impact of sharp corners and edges, place mirrors on the walls where the corners are pointing. This helps in diffusing negative energy.

Balancing Energy Flow:

Blocked Paths: If a door or window is blocked by a wall or furniture, placing a mirror on the wall can help to redirect and smooth the flow of energy.

Reflecting Positive Energy: Position mirrors to reflect beautiful views, gardens, or pleasant decor to double the positive energy and bring it into your space.

Correcting Bathroom Vastu:

Reflecting Negativity: If the bathroom is located in the wrong direction as per Vastu, placing a mirror on the outside of the bathroom door can help to reflect the negative energy back and prevent it from spreading into the house.

Avoid Toilet Reflection: Ensure mirrors inside the bathroom do not reflect the toilet, as this is considered inauspicious.

Rectifying Kitchen Vastu:

Stove Reflection: If the stove is placed in an incorrect direction, avoid placing mirrors that reflect the stove. Instead, use mirrors to enhance light and space without highlighting the cooking area.

East or North Wall: Use small decorative mirrors on the east or north walls to bring in positive energy.

Mirror Placement Mistakes

Facing the Bed:

Disturbing Sleep: Placing mirrors that reflect the bed can cause restlessness and disturb sleep patterns. This can lead to health issues and mental stress.

Facing the Main Door:

Deflecting Positive Energy: Mirrors directly facing the main entrance can reflect and bounce away positive energy entering the home. This can create an unwelcoming atmosphere.

Reflecting Clutter:

Amplifying Negativity: Mirrors reflecting cluttered or messy areas can multiply negative energy and create a sense of chaos and disorder in the home.

In the Kitchen:

Fire Element Imbalance: Placing mirrors in the kitchen, especially where they reflect the stove, can disrupt the balance of the fire element and cause energy imbalances..


Mirrors, when placed correctly, can significantly enhance the positive energy and harmony within a living space according to Vastu Shastra principles. They can be used to amplify light, create a sense of spaciousness, and even correct Vastu doshas. However, improper placement of mirrors can lead to disturbances and negative energy. By following Vastu guidelines such as placing mirrors on the north or east walls, avoiding reflections of beds and main entrances, and keeping mirrors clean and intact you can optimize the flow of positive energy in your home. Proper mirror placement not only improves the aesthetic appeal of your space but also fosters health, prosperity, and peace of mind.

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