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Vastu for Home: Importance of Brahmasthan, Calculation, Dosh Nivaran
Vastu for Home: Importance of Brahmasthan, Calculation, Dosh Nivaran
Explore the significance of the Brahmasthan, the central and most powerful area in Vastu Shastra. Learn how to identify, calculate, and enhance the Brahmasthan to promote positive energy flow and well-being in your property. Discover the dos and don'ts, as well as suitable colors, for the Brahmasthan to create a harmonious living environment.

Table of Contents

  1. How does the Brahmasthan influence the overall energy of a property?
  2. How to Calculate the Brahmasthan in a House
  3. Enhancing the Brahmasthan
  4. Specific Things to Avoid in the Brahmasthan - Vastu Dosh Nivaran
  5. Why it's Important to Keep the Brahmasthan Free from Obstructions
  6. What are the best colours for Brahmasthan?
  7. Vastu Recommended Lighting Options for Brahmasthan
  8. Aspects of Life Where Brahmasthan Plays a Significant Role
  9. Conclusion
  10. Faq's

The Brahmasthan is the central point of any property or plot, and it is considered to be the most powerful and holy spot according to the principles of Vastu Shastra. This spot is also referred to as the "energy point" because energy from different directions meets at this point.

The Brahmasthan symbolizes Lord Brahma's position in the house, who is known as the creator of the world. It is the center of the house and is crucial for the distribution of positive energy throughout the property and among its inhabitants. The Brahmasthan Vastu zone asserts power over the five elements of nature, referred to as Panchtattva.

Disturbance or construction in the Brahmasthan can affect the proper distribution of energy and can even generate negative energy. In the olden days, houses and temples would have a tulsi plant in the center, as it was believed that the more open and wider the space, the better the energy distribution.

Brahmasthan 2.jpgLord Brahma's Position in the house is referred as Brahmasthan

How does the Brahmasthan influence the overall energy of a property?

The Brahmasthan, which is the central point of any property, has a significant influence on the overall energy of the space according to Vastu Shastra principles:

  • The Brahmasthan is considered the most powerful and holy spot in a property. It is the center from which positive energy is distributed throughout the space.
  • Energy from all directions meets at the Brahmasthan, making it the "energy point" of the property. This central point asserts power over the five elements of nature (Panchtattva).
  • Keeping the Brahmasthan empty, clutter-free, and well-lit allows for the proper distribution of positive energy. Any obstructions like walls, heavy furniture, or electrical appliances can disrupt this flow and generate negative energy.
  • In ancient times, Tulsi plants were commonly placed in the Brahmasthan of houses and temples. It was believed that the more open and wider the space, the better the energy distribution.
  • Disturbance or construction in the Brahmasthan can affect the health, success, wealth, and mental well-being of the inhabitants, as the energy flow gets disrupted.
  • Placing idols of deities, small fountains, or other sacred objects in the Brahmasthan can help enhance the positive energy and create a harmonious environment.

In summary, the Brahmasthan is the heart of the property, and maintaining it as per Vastu principles ensures the optimal flow of positive energy, which in turn promotes the well-being of the inhabitants. Disturbing this central point can lead to negative consequences.

How to Calculate the Brahmasthan in a House


The process of calculating the Brahmasthan is as follows:

  • Gather a Map of Your House: Obtain a map of your house or property.
  • Check whether your property is square, rectangular, or has a different layout.
  • If the property is not square or rectangular, extend the boundaries to create a square or rectangular shape. Then, divide the entire plot into 64 equal parts using graph paper. Each of these parts should be the same size.
  • The central four parts of the 64 modules are the Brahmasthan. This is the most important and powerful area of your property.
  • Consider the Balcony Area: Balconies are considered while calculating the Brahmasthan. Ensure that the balcony area is included in your calculations if it is part of your property.
  • For properties with irregular shapes, the Brahmasthan is calculated by dividing the plot into 8 equal parts from the north to the south, and the center of these 8 parts is the Brahmasthan.

It is important to note that the balcony area is considered while calculating the Brahmasthan, as it is a part of the overall property.

Enhancing the Brahmasthan

Tulsi Plant.jpgTulsi Placement helps attracting Postive Energy

To further enhance the positive energy in the Brahmasthan, you can consider the following:

Placement of Tulsi Plant: Traditionally, a Tulsi plant was placed in the center of the house or temple, as it was believed to attract positive energy and purify the surrounding area.

Placement of Idols: Small idols of Lord Brahma, Lord Ganesha, or other deities can be placed in the Brahmasthan to invoke their blessings and positive energy.

Use of Fountains: A small fountain or water feature in the Brahmasthan can help to circulate the energy and create a calming atmosphere.

Lighting: Soft, natural lighting, such as from a skylight or a window, can be used to illuminate the Brahmasthan and enhance the positive energy.

Vastu-Friendly Decor: The use of natural materials, such as wood, stone, or terracotta, and the avoidance of sharp edges or corners can help to create a harmonious and balanced environment in the Brahmasthan.

Cleanliness and Maintenance: Keeping the Brahmasthan clean, well-maintained, and free from clutter is essential for maintaining the positive energy flow.

Also Read: Vastu Guidelines for Positioning Your Study Table

Specific Things to Avoid in the Brahmasthan - Vastu Dosh Nivaran

There are certain things that need to be avoided in the Brahmasthan to prevent disrupting the positive energy flow:

Permanent Structures

Do not construct any permanent structures like bathrooms, septic tanks, or heavy furniture in the Brahmasthan. These can act as obstructions and block the natural energy circulation.

Electrical Appliances

Avoid placing electrical appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, or power generators in the Brahmasthan, as they can interfere with the energy dynamics.

Sharp Objects:
Keep away any sharp objects like knives or scissors from the Brahmasthan, as they are believed to disrupt the harmonious energy.

 Do not allow any physical obstructions like walls, columns, or beams within the Brahmasthan. It should be kept as open and unobstructed as possible.

Constructing a staircase in the Brahmasthan is not recommended, as it can negatively impact the financial security and mental well-being of the occupants.

Kitchens and Fireplaces:
Avoid placing a kitchen or fireplace in the Brahmasthan, as they can cause health-related issues for the inhabitants.

Building a bedroom in the Brahmasthan can lead to confusion and disruption for the occupants.

Arches and Storerooms:

As per Vastu principles, arches and storerooms should not be constructed within the Brahmasthan.

By strictly adhering to these guidelines and keeping the Brahmasthan free from any obstructions or disruptive elements, you can ensure the optimal flow of positive energy and promote the overall well-being of the inhabitants.

Why it's Important to Keep the Brahmasthan Free from Obstructions

There are several key reasons why it is important to keep the Brahmasthan (the central, most important area) free from obstructions:

Optimal Energy Distribution: The Brahmasthan is considered the "energy point" of the property, where energy from all directions converges. Keeping this area free from obstructions allows for the proper distribution of positive energy throughout the entire space.

Avoid Negative Impacts: Disturbance or construction within the Brahmasthan can disrupt the natural energy flow and generate negative energy. This can adversely impact the health, success, wealth, and mental well-being of the inhabitants.

Maintain Positive Vibrations: According to Vastu Shastra, the Brahmasthan symbolizes the position of Lord Brahma and is the most sacred and powerful spot in the property. Keeping it open and unobstructed helps maintain these positive vibrations.

Enhance Positive Energy: Placing auspicious objects like Tulsi plants, deities, or water features in an unobstructed Brahmasthan can help amplify the positive energy and create a harmonious living environment.

Avoid Permanent Structures: Constructing permanent structures like bathrooms, septic tanks, or heavy furniture within the Brahmasthan can severely disrupt the energy flow and lead to negative consequences for the occupants.

Lack of Natural Light: If the Brahmasthan does not receive enough natural light, it can be addressed by creating a skylight or a window to allow more sunlight to enter the space.

In summary, the Brahmasthan is considered the heart of the property, and maintaining it as per Vastu principles by keeping it free from obstructions is crucial for ensuring the optimal flow of positive energy. Disturbing this central point can have adverse effects on the well-being of the inhabitants.

What are the best colours for Brahmasthan?

Light coloured walls.jpgLight Colours should be used in Brahmasthan, Pinterest

Using soft, light colors for the Brahmasthan, such as: Beige, White,Light pink, Light blue

Avoid Dark Colors: The search results advise against using dark or loud colors in the Brahmasthan. Dark hues are believed to disrupt the positive energy flow.

Neutral Tones: Some sources suggest using neutral, soothing colors to differentiate the Brahmasthan from the rest of the property. This helps create a distinct visual identity for this important zone.

Bright Natural Light: Allowing maximum natural light to enter the Brahmasthan is considered beneficial, as it enhances the positive energy of the space.

The key is to choose light, calming colors that promote a harmonious and serene environment in the Brahmasthan. Avoiding dark or overpowering shades is important to maintain the purity and sanctity of this central, most significant area of the property as per Vastu principles.

Aspects of Life Where Brahmasthan Plays a Significant Role

According to Vastu Shastra principles, the Brahmasthan (the central point of any property) plays a significant role in various aspects of life for the inhabitants:

Health and Well-being

The Brahmasthan is considered the "energy point" where positive energy converges. Keeping it unobstructed allows for proper energy distribution, which promotes the overall well-being of the occupants. Disturbances in the Brahmasthan can generate negative energy and adversely impact the health of the inhabitants.

Wealth and Prosperity

The Brahmasthan symbolises Lord Brahma's position and asserts power over the five elements of nature (Panchtattva). Maintaining its sanctity helps attract prosperity.Obstructions in the Brahmasthan can negatively impact the financial security of the occupants.

Mental Well-being

An unobstructed and well-lit Brahmasthan creates a harmonious environment that promotes mental peace and clarity. Constructing a staircase in the Brahmasthan is not recommended as it can lead to confusion and disruption for the occupants.

Spiritual Connection

The Brahmasthan is considered the most powerful and holy spot according to Vastu principles. Keeping it open and free from negative influences helps maintain positive vibrations. Placing auspicious objects like Tulsi plants, deities, or water features in the Brahmasthan can enhance the spiritual energy of the space.

By understanding the significance of the Brahmasthan and adhering to Vastu guidelines, one can create a balanced environment that promotes overall well-being, prosperity, and spiritual connection for the inhabitants of the property.

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The Brahmasthan is a crucial aspect of Vastu Shastra, as it represents the center of the property and the energy point where all the positive and negative energies converge. By understanding the significance of the Brahmasthan and following the principles of Vastu Shastra, you can create a harmonious and balanced environment that promotes prosperity, health, and well-being for the inhabitants of the property.

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