What is price of 2 BHK in Hinjawadi Village?
The average price of 2 BHK in Hinjawadi Village is Rs. 35.24 LACS at average rate of Rs. 5795.49 per sq.ft.
What is average price/rate per sq.ft for the projects in Hinjawadi Village?
Which are nearby localities of Hinjawadi Village?
Following are the localities nearby to Hinjawadi Village:
- Hinjawadi Village
- Marunji
- Hinjawadi Phase III
What is pin code of Hinjawadi Village?
Pin code of Hinjawadi Village is 411057
How many projects are there in Hinjawadi Village?
There are total 32 real estate projects available in Hinjawadi Village
Which are top developers in Hinjawadi Village?
Following are the top developers in Hinjawadi Village:
- Stone Shelters
- Rohan Builders
- Sheth Realty
- Redshift Buildcon
- Atul Enterprises
- Suratwwala Business Group Ltd
- KK Developers
- Vinode Buildcon
- Pashankar Developers
- Triaa Housing
Which area of Pune is Hinjawadi Village part of?
Hinjawadi Village is part of Hinjawadi, Pune West, Pune