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Vastu for West Facing Homes: Tips, Placements, Remedies & More
Vastu for West Facing Homes: Tips, Placements, Remedies & More
Discover essential Vastu Shastra tips for west-facing homes to enhance positive energy and prosperity. Learn about ideal room placements, dos and don’ts, and Vastu remedies.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Vastu for West Facing Homes
  2. Importance of Vastu Shastra
  3. General Vastu Tips for West Facing Homes
  4. Room-wise Vastu Tips
  5. Vastu Dos and Don'ts for West Facing Homes
  6. Vastu Remedies for West Facing Homes
  7. Common Vastu Myths for West Facing Homes
  8. Conclusion
  9. Faq's

West-facing homes, although not traditionally preferred in Vastu Shastra, can be highly auspicious if designed and arranged according to Vastu principles. In this detailed guide, we will explore the essential Vastu tips for west-facing homes, including room placements, dos and don'ts, and remedies to enhance the positive energies in such homes.

Introduction to Vastu for West Facing Homes

Vastu Directions, PinterestVastu Directions, Pinterest

West-facing homes, characterized by their main entrance facing the west direction, often carry a misconception of being less auspicious compared to their east and north-facing counterparts. However, with the right Vastu Shastra principles, these homes can be just as prosperous and harmonious. The setting sun, which governs the west, symbolizes completion, reflection, and the culmination of efforts, bringing a unique energy that can be harnessed positively.

In Vastu Shastra, each direction is associated with specific energies and elements. East is governed by the Sun, symbolizing new beginnings and health, while the north is ruled by Mercury, representing wealth and career growth. West, governed by Saturn, brings discipline, hard work, and introspection. By understanding and balancing these elements, west-facing homes can achieve a harmonious living environment that supports the well-being of the occupants.

The key to optimizing a west-facing home lies in the strategic placement of rooms and furniture. Proper alignment ensures the flow of positive energy throughout the house. For instance, placing the main entrance in specific segments (padas) from the northwest direction can attract beneficial energies. Additionally, incorporating elements like light colors, natural materials, and open spaces can further enhance the positive vibrations, making a west-facing home a haven of prosperity and happiness.

Importance of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, is a profound and holistic system that has been guiding the construction and design of buildings for centuries. Rooted in the wisdom of ancient texts, Vastu Shastra integrates the five elements of nature- earth, water, fire, air, and space to create a balanced and harmonious environment. These elements are considered the building blocks of the universe, and their proper alignment within a living space is believed to influence the energy flow, thereby impacting the well-being and prosperity of the occupants.

Vastu 5 Elements, PinterestVastu 5 Elements, Pinterest

The Five Elements and Their Roles

  • Earth (Prithvi): Representing stability and support, the element of earth is associated with the southwest direction. It provides a grounding force, essential for physical and emotional stability. In Vastu, the southwest area of a home is often designated for bedrooms or heavy furniture to anchor the energy.
  • Water (Jal): Water symbolizes purity, clarity, and fluidity, and is linked to the northeast direction. It governs aspects of life such as health and wealth. In Vastu, the placement of water bodies like fountains or aquariums in the northeast can enhance prosperity and health.
  • Fire (Agni): Fire represents energy, passion, and transformation, and is connected to the southeast direction. It governs the kitchen and areas related to electrical appliances. Proper placement of the kitchen in the southeast ensures the right balance of fire energy, promoting health and vigor.
  • Air (Vayu): Air signifies movement, growth, and communication, associated with the northwest direction. It influences relationships and business success. Ensuring good ventilation and placing windows in the northwest can enhance the flow of positive air energy, fostering communication and healthy relationships.
  • Space (Akash): Space, the infinite expanse, is linked to the center of the home and influences mental clarity and spiritual growth. It is crucial to keep the central area of the home open and free from obstructions to allow the free flow of energy, promoting mental peace and spiritual well-being.

Benefits of Following Vastu Shastra

  • Enhanced Well-being and Health

By aligning the home with the natural elements, Vastu Shastra helps in creating a space that promotes physical health and emotional well-being. Proper ventilation, natural light, and the strategic placement of rooms ensure that the occupants remain healthy and vibrant.

  • Prosperity and Financial Stability

Vastu principles are designed to attract wealth and financial stability. By balancing the elements and ensuring that areas like the northeast (linked to wealth) are kept open and uncluttered, Vastu Shastra helps in creating an environment conducive to financial growth.

  • Harmonious Relationships

The layout of a home as per Vastu Shastra encourages positive interactions and harmonious relationships. Elements like air and water, when placed correctly, enhance communication and emotional bonds among family members.

  • Mental Clarity and Spiritual Growth

A well-designed home following Vastu principles ensures mental peace and clarity. The central open space, along with the proper placement of the pooja room in the northeast, supports spiritual practices and fosters inner growth.

  • Practical Application in Modern Homes

In today's world, where architectural designs and living conditions have evolved, integrating Vastu Shastra into modern homes requires thoughtful planning. While structural changes might not always be feasible, minor adjustments and the use of Vastu remedies can still make a significant difference. For instance, using mirrors to enhance space, placing plants to purify air, and ensuring proper lighting can align the home with Vastu principles without major alterations.

Also Read: Vastu Tips for South Facing Homes

General Vastu Tips for West Facing Homes

West Facing House Vastu, PinterestWest Facing House Vastu, Pinterest

Designing a west-facing home in alignment with Vastu Shastra principles involves careful consideration of plot selection, entrance placement, open spaces, and structural height. Here are some expanded guidelines to help maximize positive energies and create a harmonious living environment:

Plot Selection

  • Shape: When selecting a plot for a west-facing home, it is crucial to choose a rectangular or square shape. These shapes are considered ideal in Vastu Shastra as they represent stability and balance. Irregularly shaped plots can lead to uneven energy distribution and potential disruptions in harmony.
  • Slope: Ensure that the plot slopes towards the north or east. This natural gradient is believed to facilitate the flow of positive energy and enhance prosperity.
  • Orientation: The plot should have its longer side facing the north-south direction. This orientation helps in optimizing sunlight exposure and ventilation, contributing to a healthier living environment.


  • Pada Selection: In Vastu Shastra, the entrance of a west-facing home should ideally be placed in the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth pada (segment) from the northwest direction. This specific placement is believed to attract positive energy from the setting sun and ensure the well-being of the occupants.
  • Design: The entrance door should be aesthetically pleasing and robust. Use quality wood and avoid creaking hinges. A well-maintained entrance invites positive energy and prosperity into the home.
  • Threshold: Incorporate a threshold at the entrance. It acts as a barrier to prevent negative energy from entering the home and symbolizes a transition from the external environment to the sanctity of the home.

Open Spaces

  • North and East: Ensure that the north and east directions have ample open spaces. These areas should be kept free from heavy furniture and clutter. Open spaces in these directions facilitate the entry of natural light and fresh air, enhancing the overall positivity in the home.
  • Landscaping: Utilize the open spaces for gardens or courtyards. Planting auspicious plants like basil (Tulsi) in the north or east can attract positive energy and purify the air.
  • Windows: Place large windows in the north and east walls to maximize natural light and ventilation. This not only promotes health and well-being but also aligns with Vastu principles for energy flow.


  • Southwest Corner: The southwest corner of a west-facing home should be higher than the northeast corner. This elevation difference is essential in Vastu Shastra as it represents stability and protection. A higher southwest corner helps in grounding the home and providing support to the occupants.
  • Terrace and Balconies: Avoid having terraces or balconies in the southwest corner. Instead, place them in the northeast or east to maintain the height hierarchy.
  • Roof Slope: If the home has a sloping roof, ensure that the slope is from the southwest to the northeast. This alignment aids in the natural flow of energy and enhances the home's Vastu compliance.

Additional Tips

  • Boundary Walls: The boundary walls of a west-facing home should be higher in the south and west and lower in the north and east. This arrangement helps in maintaining the balance of energy.
  • Water Bodies: If you have water bodies like fountains or ponds, place them in the north or northeast direction. Water symbolizes prosperity, and its placement in these areas can attract wealth and positive energy.
  • Garages and Parking: Place garages and parking spaces in the northwest or southeast corner. This ensures that the movement of vehicles does not disrupt the energy flow within the home.

Room-wise Vastu Tips

Floor Plan Vastu, PinterestFloor Plan Vastu, Pinterest

Creating a harmonious living space in a west-facing home involves careful planning and adherence to Vastu Shastra principles. Here are detailed room-wise Vastu tips to ensure positive energy flow and well-being.


  • Location: Place the entrance door in the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth pada (segment) from the northwest direction. This ensures that the main door attracts positive energy from the setting sun and avoids negative influences.
  • Design: The entrance door should be aesthetically pleasing, robust, and made of high-quality material. Avoid placing it directly opposite another door inside the house to prevent energy dissipation. Incorporate decorative elements like auspicious symbols or rangoli designs near the entrance to invite positivity.

Living Room

  • Location: Ideally located in the northeast or northwest direction. These areas receive ample natural light and ensure a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.
  • Furniture Placement: Keep heavy furniture in the southwest, west, or south areas to ground the energy. The central area of the living room should remain open to allow free movement and positive energy flow. Arrange seating to encourage face-to-face interactions, fostering better relationships among occupants.


  • Location: The kitchen should be in the southeast corner, known as the Agni (fire) corner, to harness the fire element. If this is not feasible, the northwest corner is the second best option.
  • Cooking Direction: The person cooking should face east (if the kitchen is in the southeast) to align with the sunrise and enhance positive energy. If the kitchen is in the northwest, the person should face north while cooking. Ensure good ventilation and avoid placing the stove directly in front of the kitchen door.

Master Bedroom

  • Location: Should be in the southwest corner of the house, which represents stability and strength. This placement provides a solid foundation and enhances the occupants' well-being.
  • Bed Placement: The head of the bed should face south or west to align with the earth's magnetic field, promoting restful sleep and good health. Avoid placing the bed directly under a beam or near sharp corners to ensure a peaceful environment.

Children's Room

  • Location: Ideally in the northwest or west direction, ensuring the children benefit from the calming energy of the setting sun.
  • Study Area: Place the study desk in such a way that the child faces east or north while studying to enhance concentration and mental clarity. Ensure the room is well-lit and ventilated to create a conducive learning environment.


  • Location: Bathrooms should be in the west or northwest corner to balance the water element and maintain hygiene.
  • Toilet Seat Orientation: The toilet seat should face north or south to align with gravitational forces, facilitating proper flow and waste removal. Ensure good ventilation and avoid sharing walls with the kitchen or pooja room to maintain a pure atmosphere.

Pooja Room

  • Location: The northeast corner is ideal for the pooja room, as this direction is associated with divine energy and spiritual growth.
  • Deity Placement: Idols should face east or west to align with the rising and setting sun, symbolizing the cycle of life and energy. Keep the pooja room clean and clutter-free, and avoid placing it under a staircase or near a bathroom to maintain sanctity.

Additional Room-wise Tips

Dining Room

  • Location: The dining room should ideally be located in the east or south-east direction. This placement enhances the flow of positive energy during meals.
  • Table Placement: Ensure the dining table is not directly under a beam, as this can cause stress and anxiety during meals. The table should be rectangular or square, and seating should allow for easy movement around the room.

Home Office

  • Location: The home office should be in the west or southwest direction, which represents stability and focus.
  • Desk Placement: Place the desk facing north or east to enhance productivity and mental clarity. Avoid sitting with your back to the door, as this can create feelings of vulnerability.

Guest Room

  • Location: The guest room can be located in the northwest direction, ensuring that guests receive a comfortable and calming environment.
  • Furniture Placement: Arrange furniture to allow easy movement and ensure the room is well-lit and ventilated.

Also Read: Vastu for Home: Importance of Brahmasthan, Calculation, Dosh Nivaran

Vastu Dos and Don'ts for West Facing Homes

Adhering to Vastu Shastra principles can significantly enhance the positive energy in a west-facing home. Here are detailed dos and don'ts to ensure a harmonious and prosperous living environment.


Use Light Colors for Walls and Furniture

  • Enhance Positivity: Light colors such as white, beige, light blue, and pastels create an airy and open atmosphere. These colors reflect light, making the space appear larger and more inviting, and they help in uplifting the mood and energy levels.
  • Balance Energies: Light colors are associated with calmness and peace, which are essential for maintaining a harmonious environment. They help in balancing the intense energy that can sometimes be associated with the west direction.

Place a Nameplate Outside the Main Entrance

  • Attract Opportunities: A nameplate not only adds a personal touch to your home but also signifies ownership and pride. It is believed to attract positive energy and opportunities.
  • Ensure Visibility: Make sure the nameplate is visible and well-maintained. It should be clean and well-lit to make a good first impression and attract auspicious energies.

Keep the House Well-lit, Especially in the Evenings

  • Promote Positive Energy: Proper lighting is crucial for maintaining positive energy flow. Ensure that all areas of the house, especially the entrance and living spaces, are well-lit.
  • Avoid Dark Corners: Dark and dimly lit areas can become stagnant and attract negative energy. Use soft, ambient lighting in the evenings to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Use Natural Light: During the day, maximize the use of natural light by keeping windows open and curtains drawn back. This practice not only conserves energy but also keeps the home vibrant and full of life.


Avoid Placing the Main Door in the Southwest Direction

  • Prevent Negative Energy: The southwest direction is considered to have heavy and stable energy, which is not suitable for the main entrance. Placing the main door here can lead to stagnation and negative influences entering the home.
  • Optimal Placement: Instead, position the main entrance in the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth pada (segment) from the northwest direction to attract positive energy and ensure a smooth flow of auspicious energies.

Do Not Place Heavy Furniture in the Northeast Corner

  • Maintain Energy Flow: The northeast corner is considered highly auspicious and should be kept light and open to allow free flow of energy. Placing heavy furniture here can block positive energies and lead to stagnation.
  • Optimal Use: Use the northeast corner for light furniture, plants, or a small meditation space to enhance the positive vibrations and keep the area open and airy.

Avoid Clutter, Especially in the North and East Areas

  • Enhance Prosperity and Health: Clutter in the north and east directions can obstruct the flow of positive energy, leading to stress, anxiety, and financial issues. These directions are associated with wealth and health, so keeping them clean and organized is essential.
  • Regular Cleaning: Regularly clean and declutter these areas to ensure a smooth flow of energy. Use storage solutions to keep items organized and out of sight, and avoid piling up unnecessary items in these regions.

Additional Dos and Don'ts


Regularly Clean the Entrance Area

  • Keep the entrance area clean and free from dust and debris. A clean entrance attracts positive energy and creates a welcoming environment.

Use Auspicious Symbols and Decorations

  • Decorate your home with symbols of prosperity, such as elephants, swastikas, and Om symbols. These symbols are believed to attract good fortune and positive energy.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

  • Maintain good ventilation throughout the home to allow fresh air to circulate. Proper airflow helps in dispersing negative energy and keeping the environment fresh and healthy.


Avoid Sharp Edges and Corners

  • Sharp edges and corners in furniture and architecture can create negative energy. Opt for rounded edges and smooth curves to promote a harmonious flow of energy.

Do Not Place Mirrors Facing the Bed

  • Mirrors facing the bed can disturb sleep and create anxiety. Place mirrors in areas where they reflect positive elements like light or scenic views.

Avoid Overcrowding the Home with Furniture

  • Overcrowding can lead to a cramped and cluttered environment. Choose furniture that fits well within the space and allows for easy movement.

Also Read: Vastu Benefits of Crystal Trees: Directional Guide and Implementation Tips

Vastu Remedies for West Facing Homes

Implementing Vastu remedies in a west-facing home can help in balancing the energies and ensuring a harmonious living environment. Here are some detailed remedies to enhance the positive energy in such homes:


  • Placement on North or East Walls: Mirrors are powerful tools in Vastu Shastra, as they can reflect and amplify energy. By placing mirrors on the north or east walls, you can enhance the flow of positive energy. This placement helps in attracting wealth and prosperity, as these directions are associated with water and air elements, respectively.
  • Reflecting Light: Mirrors should be used to reflect natural light from windows, making the space appear brighter and more open. This can uplift the overall energy of the home.
  • Avoiding Direct Reflection of Entrance: Ensure that mirrors do not directly reflect the main entrance, as this can deflect positive energy away from the home.
  • Bathroom and Bedroom Caution: Avoid placing mirrors directly facing the bed or in the bathroom, as this can create restlessness and negative energy. In the bedroom, position mirrors so they do not reflect the bed, promoting peaceful sleep.

Wind Chimes

  • Hanging Near Windows: Wind chimes are not only decorative but also serve as effective Vastu remedies for balancing energies. Hanging wind chimes near windows can help in promoting the flow of positive energy into the home.
  • Material and Sound: Choose wind chimes made of materials that produce a pleasant and soothing sound, such as metal or bamboo. The gentle sound of wind chimes is believed to disperse negative energy and enhance the vibrational frequency of the space.
  • Symbolic Placement: Place wind chimes in areas where they can catch the natural breeze, such as near windows or doors, to keep the energy moving and prevent stagnation.


  • Keeping Plants in North and East Areas: Plants are excellent for attracting positive energy and prosperity. By placing plants in the north and east areas of your home, you can enhance the flow of wealth and health-related energies.
  • Types of Plants: Opt for auspicious plants such as the money plant, bamboo, basil (Tulsi), and peace lily. These plants are not only easy to maintain but are also known for their Vastu benefits.
  • Air Purification: Plants also improve air quality by removing toxins and releasing oxygen, creating a healthier living environment.
  • Avoid Thorny Plants: Avoid keeping thorny plants like cactus inside the home, as they can create negative energy and conflicts.

Additional Vastu Remedies


  • Use of Crystals: Crystals such as clear quartz, amethyst, and citrine can be used to enhance positive energy and protect against negative influences. Place crystals in the north or east directions to amplify their benefits.
  • Placement: Clear quartz can be placed near windows to reflect light and energy, while amethyst can be placed in living areas to promote calmness and relaxation.
  • Cleaning and Charging: Regularly clean and charge crystals by placing them in sunlight or moonlight to maintain their energetic properties.


  • Use of Auspicious Colors: Incorporate colors that are considered auspicious in Vastu Shastra, such as light blue, green, and white, in your home decor. These colors promote tranquility, growth, and purity.
  • Wall Colors: Paint walls in light, soothing colors to create a calming atmosphere and enhance positive vibrations.
  • Decorative Elements: Use cushions, curtains, and rugs in these colors to further integrate their benefits into your living space.


  • Proper Lighting: Ensure your home is well-lit, especially in the evenings. Use soft, ambient lighting to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Natural Light: Maximize natural light during the day by keeping windows clean and unobstructed. Use sheer curtains to allow light to filter through while maintaining privacy.
  • Artificial Lighting: Use warm-colored light bulbs and place lamps strategically to avoid dark corners, which can harbor stagnant energy.

Water Features

  • Incorporate Water Features: Water features such as fountains, aquariums, or small indoor waterfalls can attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Placement: Place water features in the north or northeast directions to align with the water element and enhance financial growth.
  • Maintenance: Ensure that the water is clean and flowing, as stagnant or dirty water can attract negative energy.

Symbols and Art

  • Auspicious Symbols and Art: Decorate your home with symbols and artwork that represent prosperity, happiness, and positive energy.
  • Statues and Symbols: Place statues of deities like Ganesha or Buddha in the northeast corner to invoke blessings and protection.
  • Artworks: Hang paintings or art pieces depicting serene landscapes, flowing water, or blooming flowers to enhance the aesthetic and energetic appeal of your home.

Also Read: T-Point House: Challenges, Vastu Tips 2024

Common Vastu Myths for West Facing Homes

West-facing homes often come with several myths and misconceptions. However, with a clear understanding and proper implementation of Vastu principles, these homes can be just as auspicious and comfortable as those facing other directions. Here are some common Vastu myths for west-facing homes and the realities behind them:

  • Myth: West-facing homes bring bad luck
  • Reality: With proper Vastu implementation, west-facing homes can be equally auspicious

Misconception: There is a widespread belief that west-facing homes bring bad luck and misfortune to the occupants. This myth stems from the preference for east and north-facing homes in traditional Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Insight: In reality, the direction of the home itself does not inherently bring bad luck. The key lies in how the home is designed and arranged according to Vastu principles. Proper placement of the main entrance, rooms, and furniture, along with balancing the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space), can make a west-facing home highly auspicious.

Positive Aspects: West-facing homes receive the energy of the setting sun, which symbolizes completion, fulfillment, and introspection. When designed correctly, these homes can harness this energy to promote prosperity, stability, and happiness for the occupants.

  • Myth: All west-facing homes are hot and uncomfortable
  • Reality: Proper insulation and design can ensure a comfortable environment

Misconception: Another common myth is that west-facing homes are inherently hot and uncomfortable due to prolonged exposure to the setting sun, which can increase indoor temperatures.

Vastu Insight: While it is true that west-facing homes receive more direct sunlight in the afternoon, proper design and insulation can mitigate this issue. Modern architectural techniques and Vastu principles can be combined to create a comfortable living environment.

Design Solutions:

  • Insulation: Use high-quality insulation materials in walls, roofs, and windows to prevent heat from penetrating the home. Double-glazed windows and thermal curtains can also help in maintaining a cooler indoor temperature.
  • Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation to allow heat to escape and fresh air to circulate. Incorporate windows and vents in strategic locations to facilitate cross-ventilation.
  • Shading Devices: Install shading devices such as awnings, pergolas, or blinds to reduce direct sunlight entering the home. Planting trees and shrubs around the house can also provide natural shade and reduce heat.
  • Reflective Surfaces: Use reflective surfaces or light-colored exterior paint to minimize heat absorption. This can help in keeping the home cooler during hot afternoons.

Additional Myths and Realities

  • Myth: West-facing homes are not good for business or career growth
  • Reality: Proper Vastu placement can enhance professional success

Misconception: Some believe that west-facing homes can negatively impact business and career prospects.

Vastu Insight: The success in business and career is more influenced by the internal Vastu arrangements rather than the direction of the home. Placing the home office or study room in the west or southwest can provide stability and focus, enhancing professional growth.

Enhancements: Incorporate Vastu remedies like placing a mirror in the north direction to double opportunities and using colors and symbols associated with prosperity in the workspace.

  • Myth: West-facing homes disrupt sleep patterns
  • Reality: Proper bedroom placement ensures restful sleep

Misconception: It is often thought that the energy in west-facing homes can disturb sleep patterns and cause restlessness.

Vastu Insight: The quality of sleep is more influenced by the placement of the bedroom and bed within the home. Ensuring that the master bedroom is located in the southwest direction and that the head of the bed faces south or west can promote restful sleep.

Tips for Better Sleep: Avoid placing electronic devices near the bed, use calming colors in the bedroom, and maintain a clutter-free environment to enhance relaxation and sleep quality.

  • Myth: West-facing homes are prone to negative energies
  • Reality: Balancing elements and using Vastu remedies can ensure positive energies

Misconception: There is a belief that west-facing homes are more susceptible to negative energies and disturbances.

Vastu Insight: Negative energies can be effectively managed by balancing the five elements within the home and using Vastu remedies such as mirrors, plants, and crystals. Maintaining cleanliness and avoiding clutter, especially in the north and east areas, can also help in keeping the energy positive.

Positive Energy Flow: Ensure the entrance is well-lit and inviting, use wind chimes to disperse negative energy, and incorporate water features in the north or northeast to attract positive energy and prosperity.

Also Read: Vastu Friendly Hanging Bell Designs for Home


West-facing homes can bring prosperity, happiness, and positive energy when designed and maintained according to Vastu Shastra principles. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you can create a harmonious living environment that aligns with the ancient wisdom of Vastu, ensuring well-being and prosperity for all occupants.

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