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Bedroom Vastu: Creating Harmony and Peace In Your Home
Bedroom Vastu: Creating Harmony and Peace In Your Home
Discover the principles of bedroom Vastu to create a harmonious and peaceful living space. Learn how to optimize your bedroom's layout, colors, and decor according to Vastu Shastra for improved well-being and relationships.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Vastu Shastra
  2. Importance of Vastu in the Bedroom
  3. Ideal Bedroom Location According to Vastu
  4. Vastu Tips for Bedroom Layout
  5. Vastu Guidelines for Bed Placement
  6. Colors and Decor for a Vastu-Friendly Bedroom
  7. Vastu Tips for Bedroom Furniture
  8. Lighting and Ventilation in Bedroom Vastu
  9. Vastu Tips for Mirrors in the Bedroom
  10. Common Vastu Dos and Don'ts for Bedrooms
  11. Conclusion
  12. Faq's

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture and construction, offers guidelines to create harmony and peace in living spaces. The bedroom, being the most personal area of a home, is essential in Vastu. A Vastu-compliant bedroom can enhance well-being, strengthen relationships, and improve overall health. This article explores the principles of bedroom Vastu and how you can apply them to your home.

Introduction to Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra, often referred to as the "science of architecture," is a traditional Hindu system that governs the design, layout, and construction of buildings to align with the natural forces of the universe. Originating thousands of years ago in ancient India, Vastu Shastra combines art and science, providing guidelines to create living spaces that are in harmony with nature. This ancient architectural science is deeply rooted in Indian culture and has been an integral part of traditional building practices for centuries.

The principles of Vastu Shastra are based on the belief that the universe is composed of five fundamental elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Each of these elements has a profound influence on human life and the environment. Vastu Shastra aims to create a balance between these elements, ensuring that they coexist harmoniously within a living space. By aligning architectural structures with the natural order, Vastu helps harness positive energies and mitigates negative influences, leading to overall well-being and prosperity.

Vastu Shastra, PinterestVastu Shastra, Pinterest

Applying the principles of Vastu Shastra to the home, especially the bedroom, can significantly enhance peace, prosperity, and happiness. The bedroom, being a personal and private sanctuary, plays a crucial role in an individual's life. A Vastu-compliant bedroom not only promotes restful sleep and relaxation but also fosters healthy relationships and emotional stability. By integrating Vastu Shastra into modern home design, one can create spaces that resonate with harmony, positivity, and tranquility, ultimately improving the quality of life for its inhabitants.

Also Read: The Benefits of 7 Horse Painting In Your Home As Per Vastu

Importance of Vastu in the Bedroom

The bedroom serves as a sanctuary within the home, providing a space where we retreat for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. It is a personal refuge from the demands of daily life, and its environment plays a crucial role in our physical and emotional well-being. Vastu Shastra, with its focus on creating harmonious spaces, emphasizes the importance of designing bedrooms that nurture and support the body's natural rhythms. By aligning the bedroom with Vastu principles, individuals can create an environment that fosters a sense of peace and tranquility, essential for restorative sleep and relaxation.

Vastu for Bedroom, PinterestVastu for Bedroom, Pinterest

A Vastu-compliant bedroom is believed to foster positive energy, which has profound effects on sleep quality and stress reduction. The orientation of the bed, placement of furniture, and choice of colors all contribute to the flow of energy within the room. When these elements are balanced according to Vastu guidelines, they can enhance the body's ability to rest and recover, leading to improved health and vitality. Furthermore, a bedroom that adheres to Vastu principles can help reduce stress levels, creating a calming atmosphere that allows the mind to unwind and recharge.

Beyond physical rest, the energy in the bedroom also influences emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships. A Vastu-aligned bedroom promotes harmony between partners, fostering understanding and connection. The careful arrangement of the bedroom's layout can help eliminate negative energies that might otherwise disrupt emotional balance, allowing for deeper, more meaningful relationships. By incorporating Vastu principles, individuals can transform their bedrooms into spaces that support not only their physical health but also their emotional and relational growth.

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Ideal Bedroom Location According to Vastu

Choosing the right location for your bedroom is crucial in Vastu Shastra, as it directly influences the flow of energy in your home and affects the well-being of its occupants. Different directions have unique properties and energies that can impact various aspects of life. Here's how Vastu Shastra guides the placement of bedrooms to harness these energies effectively:

Bedroom Placement as per Vastu, Pinterest

Master Bedroom

The southwest corner of the house is considered the most auspicious location for the master bedroom. This area is associated with the element of earth, which symbolizes stability, strength, and permanence. Placing the master bedroom in this direction is believed to empower the head of the family, providing them with the confidence and resilience needed to manage responsibilities and make important decisions. It enhances a sense of grounding and security, fostering a harmonious and balanced family life. The southwest bedroom also promotes long-lasting relationships and a stable home environment.

Children's Bedroom

For children's bedrooms, the northwest or west corners of the house are deemed suitable. The northwest direction is associated with the element of air, which encourages movement, change, and growth. This energy is conducive to fostering creativity, learning, and exploration among children, helping them to develop intellectually and emotionally. The west direction also supports creative expression and cognitive development. Placing children's bedrooms in these directions ensures that they have a nurturing environment that supports their educational pursuits and personal growth, encouraging independence and curiosity.

Guest Bedroom

The northwest direction is also favorable for guest bedrooms. This area promotes friendly and harmonious interactions, making it an ideal location for accommodating visitors. The energy in the northwest is conducive to creating a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere, ensuring that guests feel at ease and enjoy their stay. By placing the guest bedroom in this direction, homeowners can foster positive relationships with their visitors, leading to pleasant and memorable interactions. This placement also encourages guests to depart amicably, maintaining a healthy balance in the household's social dynamics.


Vastu Shastra advises against placing bedrooms in the northeast and southeast corners of the house. The northeast is associated with the element of water and is considered a spiritual and energetic zone. Using this area for a bedroom can disrupt the natural flow of positive energy, leading to mental stress and health issues. Similarly, the southeast direction, linked to the element of fire, is not ideal for bedrooms as it can lead to conflicts and tension in relationships. This area is better suited for kitchen placement, where the fire element can be utilized positively. Avoiding bedrooms in these directions helps maintain a peaceful and balanced home environment, minimizing potential health and relational issues.

Also Read: Vastu for Kids' Room: Tips For a Balanced Space for Growth and Well-Being

Vastu Tips for Bedroom Layout

Designing the layout of your bedroom according to Vastu principles is essential to ensure a harmonious and peaceful environment. The layout not only affects the flow of energy within the space but also influences your mental and emotional well-being. Here are some key Vastu tips to optimize your bedroom layout:

Sleeping Directions as per Vastu, Pinterest


The entrance to your bedroom plays a significant role in the flow of energy. The bedroom door should open fully and without any obstruction or creaking sounds. This openness allows for the free flow of positive energy, symbolizing welcome and acceptance in your life and relationships. A door that opens fully reflects an openness to new opportunities and fosters harmonious interactions with others. It's also advisable to have a solid door, as it provides a sense of security and privacy, enhancing the restful ambiance of the bedroom.


The shape of the bedroom is crucial in maintaining balance and symmetry, which are key components of Vastu Shastra. Ideally, the room should be either square or rectangular. These shapes are considered balanced and harmonious, promoting a stable and calming environment. A square or rectangular room ensures that energy circulates evenly, preventing any stagnation or blockages. Avoid irregular or L-shaped rooms, as they can create confusion and imbalance in energy flow, leading to potential disturbances in sleep and relaxation.


A clutter-free bedroom is essential for allowing the unhindered flow of positive energy. Clutter, especially under the bed, can block energy pathways and create stagnation, leading to stress and anxiety. Keeping the bedroom tidy and organized promotes mental clarity and a sense of calmness. It's important to regularly clean and declutter the space, removing unnecessary items and ensuring that the area under the bed is free from storage or debris. This practice not only enhances the energy flow but also contributes to a more peaceful and restful atmosphere, conducive to relaxation and sleep.

Also Read: East-Facing Home Vastu: Tips For a Healthy and Prosperous Life

Vastu Guidelines for Bed Placement

The bed is the focal point of the bedroom, and its placement according to Vastu Shastra is crucial for ensuring a restful and harmonious environment. Proper bed placement can enhance the flow of positive energy, leading to improved health, relationships, and overall well-being. Here are some key guidelines for bed placement in a Vastu-compliant bedroom:

Bed Placement as per Vastu, PinterestBed Placement as per Vastu, Pinterest


The direction in which your bed is placed can significantly impact your sleep quality and energy levels. According to Vastu Shastra, the head of the bed should be placed against a solid wall, with the headboard facing either south or west. Sleeping with your head towards the south is considered most beneficial, as it aligns with the earth's magnetic field, promoting restful sleep and reducing stress. This orientation is believed to enhance physical health and mental peace, leading to rejuvenation and vitality. Placing the bed in this direction also fosters a sense of stability and security, contributing to a balanced and harmonious life.


When positioning your bed, it's essential to avoid certain placements that can disrupt the flow of positive energy and affect your well-being. One such placement is directly under a beam or window. Sleeping under a beam can create a feeling of pressure and mental stress, leading to disturbed sleep and health issues. Similarly, placing the bed under a window can result in energy leakage, as windows are points of exit for energy. This can lead to restlessness and a lack of privacy, impacting your overall comfort and peace of mind. Ensure that your bed is positioned away from these elements to maintain a calm and serene environment.


In a Vastu-compliant bedroom, it is advised to use a single mattress on a double bed rather than two separate mattresses. Placing two mattresses on a double bed can symbolize separation and division, potentially leading to conflicts and misunderstandings between partners. A single mattress represents unity and togetherness, promoting harmony and intimacy in relationships. This simple adjustment can have a profound impact on the dynamics of a relationship, fostering a deeper connection and understanding between partners. By ensuring that the bed is a symbol of unity, you create a space that nurtures love and companionship.

Also Read: Vastu Tips For North Facing House - Ideal Bedroom Direction, Kitchen

Colors and Decor for a Vastu-Friendly Bedroom

In Vastu Shastra, colors and decor are essential elements that influence the energy and ambiance of a bedroom. Selecting the right colors and decor can create a harmonious and soothing environment, conducive to relaxation and rejuvenation. Here are some guidelines to make your bedroom Vastu-compliant through the use of colors and decor:


Vastu Shastra and Colors, PinterestVastu Shastra and Colors, Pinterest

The choice of colors in the bedroom significantly impacts the mood and energy of the space. Vastu Shastra recommends using soft and neutral colors like light blue, green, pink, or beige for the bedroom walls and furnishings. These colors are calming and promote a sense of peace and tranquility.

  • Light Blue: Associated with serenity and calmness, light blue is an excellent choice for a bedroom as it helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting restful sleep.
  • Green: Symbolizing growth and renewal, green is a soothing color that enhances relaxation and harmony. It also fosters a connection with nature, bringing a sense of freshness and vitality to the room.
  • Pink: A color of love and compassion, pink creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. It fosters emotional healing and strengthens relationships, making it ideal for bedrooms.
  • Beige: A neutral and earthy color, beige is grounding and comforting. It creates a balanced and stable environment, enhancing the room's overall harmony.

These colors not only make the bedroom aesthetically pleasing but also support a peaceful and restful atmosphere, which is essential for good health and well-being.


The decor in a Vastu-friendly bedroom should contribute to a calming and positive environment. Here are some tips for selecting the right decor:

  • Artwork: Use soothing and uplifting artwork that promotes positivity and happiness. Avoid paintings or images depicting war, violence, or sorrow, as they can introduce negative energy and affect the mood of the room. Instead, opt for art that depicts nature, tranquility, or spiritual themes, which can enhance peace and inspiration.
  • Flowers and Plants: Incorporating fresh flowers and indoor plants in the bedroom can significantly enhance positive energy. Plants like peace lilies, jasmine, or lavender are excellent choices as they purify the air and add a natural element to the space. Flowers can uplift the mood and add a touch of color and vibrancy to the room.
  • Decorative Elements: Choose decor that is simple, elegant, and not overly cluttered. Items made from natural materials such as clay or stone can add a grounding element to the room.


The materials used in a bedroom play a crucial role in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Vastu Shastra emphasizes the use of natural materials like wood for furniture and furnishings.

  • Wood: Wooden furniture is not only durable but also exudes warmth and natural beauty. It helps create a cozy and comforting environment, making the bedroom a welcoming retreat.
  • Fabrics: Opt for natural fabrics like cotton, linen, or silk for bed linens and curtains. These materials are breathable and add a touch of luxury and comfort to the space.
  • Accessories: Use accessories made from natural materials, such as wicker baskets or jute rugs, to add texture and depth to the decor.

Vastu Tips for Bedroom Furniture

The placement and choice of furniture in the bedroom are essential components of Vastu Shastra, as they influence the energy flow and overall harmony of the space. By aligning furniture according to Vastu principles, you can create a balanced and peaceful environment conducive to relaxation. Here are some guidelines for optimizing bedroom furniture placement:

Bedroom Furniture Placement as per Vastu, Pin


  • The wardrobe is a significant piece of furniture in the bedroom, and its placement can impact the room's stability and energy. According to Vastu Shastra, wardrobes should be placed in the southwest direction of the bedroom. This direction is associated with stability and security, making it an ideal location for storing valuables and personal belongings.
  • Benefits: Placing the wardrobe in the southwest corner ensures that it does not obstruct the flow of positive energy in the room. It also helps maintain balance and organization, preventing clutter and promoting a sense of order and tranquility.
  • Additional Tips: Ensure the wardrobe doors open smoothly without creaking, as noisy doors can disrupt the peace of the room. Keeping the wardrobe tidy and organized further enhances the sense of stability and calmness.

Dressing Table

A dressing table is a common feature in many bedrooms, often accompanied by a mirror. However, the placement of mirrors requires careful consideration according to Vastu principles.

  • Mirror Placement: Avoid placing mirrors that face the bed, as reflections of the sleeping body can cause restlessness and disturb sleep. It is believed that mirrors facing the bed can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts within relationships.
  • Solution: If a dressing table with a mirror is necessary, position it in such a way that it does not reflect the bed. Alternatively, cover the mirror with a curtain or cloth when not in use to prevent any negative effects on energy and well-being.


In today's digital age, electronic devices are prevalent in bedrooms, but Vastu Shastra advises minimizing their presence to maintain a serene and peaceful environment.

  • Impact of Electronics: Devices such as TVs, computers, and mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation and can disrupt the natural flow of energy, leading to stress and sleep disturbances. The presence of electronics in the bedroom can also create distractions, reducing the room's effectiveness as a space for rest.
  • Recommendations: Limit the number of electronic devices in the bedroom, and if possible, keep them in a separate area of the house. If you must have electronics in the bedroom, ensure they are turned off and unplugged at night to minimize their impact. Create a technology-free zone around the bed to promote relaxation and restful sleep.

Lighting and Ventilation in Bedroom Vastu

Proper lighting and ventilation are crucial elements in creating a Vastu-friendly bedroom. They play a significant role in ensuring the flow of positive energy and maintaining a healthy and peaceful environment. Here are some guidelines to optimize lighting and ventilation according to Vastu principles:

Bedroom Lighting and Ventilation Vastu, PinterestBedroom Lighting and Ventilation Vastu, Pinterest


Lighting sets the mood and ambiance of a bedroom, influencing the overall energy of the space. Vastu Shastra emphasizes the use of lighting that promotes relaxation and tranquility.

  • Soft, Ambient Lighting: Use soft, ambient lighting to create a calming and soothing atmosphere in the bedroom. Warm, gentle lights help reduce stress and anxiety, encouraging relaxation and restful sleep. Table lamps, floor lamps, and wall sconces with dimmers are excellent options for achieving this effect.
  • Avoid Harsh Lights: Harsh, bright lights, especially those directly above the bed, can create a sense of pressure and discomfort, disrupting sleep and relaxation. Ceiling lights or chandeliers positioned above the bed are best avoided, as they can lead to restlessness and tension. Instead, use indirect lighting or fixtures with adjustable brightness to control the light intensity as needed.
  • Balance and Harmony: Ensure that lighting is evenly distributed throughout the room, avoiding shadows or dark corners that can create an imbalance in energy flow. Consider using multiple light sources to achieve a harmonious blend of light.


Adequate ventilation is essential for maintaining a fresh and healthy environment in the bedroom. Good airflow ensures that the space is free from stagnant energy and promotes a sense of vitality and well-being.

  • Fresh Air Circulation: Ensure that the bedroom has adequate ventilation to allow fresh air to circulate freely. Proper airflow helps eliminate pollutants, allergens, and stale air, contributing to better respiratory health and overall comfort.
  • Windows and Orientation: Windows should ideally open to the east or north to align with Vastu principles. The east is associated with new beginnings and positive energy, while the north represents prosperity and tranquility. Windows in these directions allow for the entry of fresh morning light and air, invigorating the space and promoting a positive start to the day.
  • Natural Ventilation: Maximize the use of natural ventilation by keeping windows open whenever possible, especially in the early morning or late evening when the air is fresh and cool. Consider using sheer curtains or blinds to allow natural light and air to enter while maintaining privacy.

Vastu Tips for Mirrors in the Bedroom

Mirrors play a significant role in influencing the energy and ambiance of a bedroom. In Vastu Shastra, their placement is critical, as they can both enhance and disrupt the flow of energy. Here are some guidelines to ensure mirrors are used effectively in a Vastu-compliant bedroom:

Vastu Tip for Mirrors in Bedroom, PinterestVastu Tip for Mirrors in Bedroom, Pinterest


The placement of mirrors in a bedroom requires careful consideration, as improper positioning can lead to negative effects on sleep and relationships.

  • No Reflection of the Bed: One of the fundamental Vastu rules for mirrors is that they should not reflect the bed. A mirror reflecting the bed can create a sense of restlessness and disturb sleep patterns. It is believed that the reflection doubles the energy, which can amplify problems, conflicts, and stress in relationships. Additionally, seeing your reflection upon waking can be startling and disorienting, affecting your overall well-being.
  • Impact on Relationships: Reflecting the bed can lead to misunderstandings and emotional disturbances between partners. To maintain harmony and tranquility in the bedroom, ensure that no part of the bed is visible in any mirrors present in the room.


While mirrors can enhance the visual appeal of a bedroom, their placement should be strategic to avoid negative energy while maximizing positive influences.

  • North or East Walls: If mirrors are necessary in the bedroom, they should ideally be placed on the north or east walls. These directions are considered auspicious in Vastu Shastra, as they align with positive energy flow. Placing mirrors on these walls can attract prosperity and tranquility while minimizing any potential disturbances.
  • Away from the Bed's Reflection: Ensure that mirrors are positioned in such a way that they do not capture the reflection of the bed or any other sensitive areas. Consider angling mirrors slightly or using smaller mirrors for decorative purposes that do not directly face the bed.
  • Functional Use: If a dressing table with a mirror is essential, position it away from the bed and cover the mirror when not in use. This practice can help mitigate any negative effects associated with mirror reflections in the bedroom.

Common Vastu Dos and Don'ts for Bedrooms

Following Vastu principles in the bedroom can significantly enhance its harmony and peace. By adhering to these common Vastu tips, you can create a balanced and tranquil environment conducive to relaxation and well-being.


  • Keep the Bedroom Clean and Organized: Maintaining cleanliness and organization in the bedroom is essential for positive energy flow. A tidy and clutter-free space allows for the free movement of energy, promoting mental clarity and reducing stress. Regularly declutter the room, including wardrobes and under the bed, to prevent stagnation of energy and foster a serene atmosphere.
  • Use a Single Mattress on a Double Bed: A single mattress on a double bed symbolizes unity and togetherness, promoting harmony and intimacy in relationships. In contrast, using two separate mattresses can create a sense of division and separation, potentially leading to misunderstandings or conflicts between partners. Opting for a single mattress ensures continuity and connection.
  • Ensure the Bed is Made of Solid Wood: A bed made of solid wood is not only durable and sturdy but also resonates with natural energy. Wood is considered a grounding material that brings warmth and stability to the bedroom. A solid wood bed provides a strong foundation, supporting restful sleep and enhancing the overall energy of the space.


  • Avoid Sharp or Pointed Objects in the Bedroom: Sharp or pointed objects, such as knives, scissors, or decor items with pointed edges, can create negative energy and disrupt the tranquility of the bedroom. These items can induce feelings of tension and restlessness. It is advisable to keep them out of sight or store them in a safe place to maintain a peaceful environment.
  • Do Not Hang Heavy Chandeliers Directly Above the Bed: Hanging heavy chandeliers or other light fixtures directly above the bed can create a sense of pressure and anxiety. The weight of the chandelier symbolizes a burden, leading to stress and restlessness during sleep. Instead, opt for lighter fixtures placed away from the bed or use wall sconces to ensure a calm and relaxed atmosphere.
  • Avoid Using Dark or Bright Colors on the Walls: Dark or overly bright colors on the bedroom walls can create an overwhelming and unsettling environment. These colors can lead to emotional disturbances and restlessness. Instead, choose soft and neutral colors, such as light blue, green, or beige, to promote relaxation and tranquility. These hues help create a soothing ambiance conducive to restful sleep.


A Vastu-compliant bedroom can transform your personal space into a haven of peace and relaxation. By following these guidelines, you can create an environment that nurtures your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Vastu Shastra offers timeless wisdom that, when applied to your bedroom, can enhance your quality of life and bring harmony to your home.

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